Sunday, April 14, 2013

Yesod of Tiferet - Commitment to Beauty

Being beautiful takes a lot of work, doesn't it girls?  We spend thousands of dollars to get and stay beautiful!  I am joking, a little, but in reality we really do spend a lot of money on our looks alone.  And one thing is certain, if we start it, we must stay committed to keeping it that way or.......its gone!  If you ever start coloring your hair it must be done every 3 weeks or so.....for the rest of your life!!!!!!  Long lasting commitment or you pay the consequences of looking, uh shall we say, like a skunk until all the color has grown out (could take months, oh my!).

For true beauty to be the kind of beauty God wants and seeks from us takes the same kind of commitment.  As with discipline a partner is of the utmost importance, but you are just as important to the partner as well.  In fact, you are important to the beauty of others.  I want you to think about something; do others feel beautiful in your presence or do they feel ordinary, plain or downright ugly?

There are times when all it takes for someone to feel beautiful is for another to tell them how beautiful they are.  Never forget that you are God with skin on to those around you.  They can not see Him, but you they can see and He lives in you.  Even the most beautiful people in the world will feel ugly if they are told they are ugly by those around them.  I have known women who were beautiful to most people, but were continually berated by their husbands until they felt worthless and ugly.  Their self-esteem was almost nil.  I have also known women who were barely average looking, but whose husbands thought they were the most beautiful women on earth and told them so on a daily basis and those women had faces that shone like the sun!  What a difference a few words made.

So now, its the dreaded Monday.  Are you going to take advantage of it and find someone who is down, allowing God to open your eyes to see their beauty?  Will you also ask God for wisdom as you help that person see how beautiful they are?  You may be the only person who has ever seen them in that light in their entire life.  Never let your eyes rest from looking for someone who needs to see themselves as beautiful.  The reward you receive in return is WELL WORTH IT!


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