Sunday, April 7, 2013

Yesod of Gevurah - Committed Discipline

Its day 6 of the second week of the Counting of the Omer and it is Yesod of Gevurah - Committed Discipline.  For discipline or boundaries to be effective we must be committed to them.  Nothing works better to help you stick to those commitments than having a partner; who is also committed to the same thing with you.

Have you ever wanted to start working out, but had no one to go with you to the gym?  It is extremely difficult to do things alone, isn't it?  This is the place for a partner to come into play.  Living a life that is seeking to be holy requires a partner to help shore us up on the days when we are weak.  A day or so ago I quoted Hebrews 12:11 about discipline being painful in the beginning, but in the end it brings peaceful fruit of righteousness.  If you read the next verse in that passage, you will see that Paul goes on to quote Isaiah 35: 3 and Proverbs 4:26 when he says:

"strengthen weak hands and give support to failing knees; and make a level path for your feet so that what has been injured will not get wrenched out of joint but rather will be healed."

These words are to the believers in Paul's day, but the words in Isaiah and Proverbs were also for the Jews telling them to hold each other up and encourage each others faith.  You see, each of us have days when we are strong and we also have days when we are weak in the knees.  We have to take turns holding each other up.  We all need a committed partner that is in the race for the long haul to help us make sure we keep up the discipline or keep the boundaries in place.

Do you have a partner running alongside you?  If not, you definitely need one.  Reach out today and find that person to run beside you.  Until tomorrow, Shalom!~

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