Monday, April 1, 2013

Malchut of Chesed - Mature Love

It is the end of week one of the counting of the Omer and I it seems as though every aspect of love has been challenged in my life this past week.  This one, is especially difficult for me since I seem to be in the throws of a mid-life crisis.  I did not choose a career path when I was young, but chose to become a wife and mother instead.  That choice has left me at a crossroads now that the nest is empty.  I am finding myself looking for my place of belonging.  "But you are a wife and mother!", you say.  Yes, I am, but my husband is content to come home from work and either watch television or work in the yard.  My oldest son lives four hours away and I see him only a couple of times a year.  My youngest is still in college and who knows where he will end up after graduation.  His goal is to become a high school band director, so he will have little time to spend with extended family.  I am just not one to sit in a chair and watch television for hours (can't stand to watch it for an hour!).  I have to feel as though I am doing something that makes a difference in my world and I feel very unfulfilled at the moment.  Can you see where I am coming from?

A Malchut of Chesed is the kind of love where you can with peace look at your love and know that you are making a difference with the love you are showing.  You do not have to be elderly or even mid-life.  You can be 20 and know this feeling.  It is a regal kind of love.

This love is also one where you build up others or where you are built up by others.  If someone you love, and who says they love you, is always breaking your spirit this is not love.

Do you use your place in this world to build up or tear down?
Are you allowing someone to tear you down?

Tomorrow evening begins week 2 of the Counting of the Omer.  Are you ready to move on?  Until then, Shalom!

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