Friday, April 12, 2013

Netzach of Tiferet - Enduring Beauty

We have come to the midpoint for this week.  It is Netzach of Tiferet or Enduring Beauty.  How we look at beauty in this world and seek to make it last, yet know that physical beauty is something which will fade with time.  Try as we might, wrinkles will come, age spots show up and hair will turn grey or fall out.  We may have them tightened, cover or color them, but eventually we either run out of money or the strength to keep up with the process.

Yesterday I talked about Beauty of Beauty; wholeness of beauty and being beautiful from the inside out.    Today I want to talk to you about what makes beauty enduring beauty.  If you take the beauty I talked about last night and bring it one step farther along you will have enduring beauty.  There are many great examples in the Torah: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, etc.  Beauty that is enduring begins with Torah and ends with Torah.  Torah must be the fabric of your being.  It must be the air you breathe, the food you eat, the words you say, the thoughts you think, the actions of your body and the clothing you wear.

When you live a life totally given over to Torah, you live a life totally given over to God.  As you do this, everything you do will be an offering to Him which will in turn leave a lasting legacy to the generations after you.  Enduring - lasting forever, both on earth and in the world to come!  A lasting legacy.

Will you leave a legacy of beauty or ashes?  It is up to you and how it turns out can be blamed on no one, but you.  So?  Which one is it?  Until tomorrow, Shalom!

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