Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gevurah of Hod - Discipline of Humility

I am sorry for not posting last night, but my eyes would not stay open long enough!  Oh my!  I want to take you to the next in our series, discipline of humility.  I think it will be essential throughout this week to keep the picture of a thoroughbred horse in your mind.  This is a great image considering the fact that May is the month in which the Kentucky Derby is held.

Although a great stallion is broken and guided by a master, the horse is still given free reign to make a great number of decisions on his own.  It is up to the horse to make wise or unwise decisions.  Just because we have a master doesn't mean we sit back and do nothing while waiting for Him to tell us EVERYTHING to do.  We must make some decisions and for many decisions there are no right or wrong answers.  God still expects us to do our share of the work.  His job was to train us (leading us to become humble) and then we are responsible for knowing how to live our lives in that manner (humility).

Knowing where to set the boundaries on our humility is Gevurah of Hod.  Do we have too much humility?  (Do we not know how to do enough on our own?  Are we standing around doing nothing too much of the time while waiting for God to give us instructions?  - The man with the one talent who hid it.)  Do we not have enough humility? (Do we do things our way regardless of what our Master has taught us?  Do we tend to go our own way and in essence live by the saying, "Its easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission?")  A balanced life of Gevurah of Hod - Discipline of Humility is a life that reflects the Master and makes people look to Him.  When you cross that finish line everyone will be looking to Him and giving Him praise!!!

Where are your boundaries in humility?  Do they need to be reeled in or let out?      Shalom!~~~~~

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