Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hod of Gevurah - Humility in Discipline

Another day of discipline and two more days of discipline to go!!!!  Oh the joy, right?  You can never get too much of a good thing, can you?  Come on now, admit it, you kind of like this discipline thing, don't you?  No, I don't either, but it has to be done.  I would rather talk about love myself, but we can't have all the cake, we have to have a little beans and broccoli too!  Okay, let's look at this humility in discipline thing.

As I looked back at day five of week one of the Counting, I noticed that I used the word Majestic rather than humility to describe Hod.  It is the same and interchangeable.  You see, it is how we relate to HASHEM and see ourselves in relation to Him.  Unless we look at all discipline as being allowed by HASHEM in order to make us into the most beautiful, magnificent and spectacular creation it is for naught.  When we keep discipline (or boundaries) in the proper perspective for ourselves, we are then able to keep the way we discipline (or set up boundaries for) others in the proper perspective.

As you look back to the past four days of our conversation on discipline, what has your perspective been on that discipline?  Have you seen it through the eyes of HASHEM?  Have you seen it as a wonderful, precious gift to you from the Father?  As you pass that discipline or boundary along to someone else, are you using humility as you do or are you biased in your discipline?  An old saying fits very well here, "there but for the grace of God, go I."

Until tomorrow, Shalom!

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