I said in a post a few months ago how it seems God brings into my life the very thing He intends for me to teach about. Well, this week is no different. The truth is, this post was supposed to have been written Saturday, but due to my trip I had to postpone writing it. Then it happened. I, well, I got the lesson from God. Humble pie. I have had a slice of that pie before and its not very good. In fact, it is bitter medicine.
Have you ever seen a small child when they take a spoon full of yucky tasting medicine? The face they make is priceless! I have a feeling I had the same look on Sunday night around midnight. The weekend had been long and tiring. I had been driving for over 7 1/2 hours and home was only 20 minutes away. There was virtually no traffic and although I preach to my sons about the fact you should never drive more than 5 miles over the speed limit, I was tired! I wanted to get home. Everyone else seemed to get away with it. I had been passed for the last 7 hours by car after car doing at least 90 mph.
No one was out at that time of night. I could practically see the county line and we were no longer on the interstate. The local four-lane was a road I traveled frequently and I had never seen a law enforcement officer on that stretch of highway. Just this once I was going for it. The speed limit was 55, but I sped up to 70 and moved over in the left lane to go around a slower car. Just as I did, my son said, "what was that car doing?" I turned just in time to see the lights come on behind some bushes.
There was no need to argue. I was guilty. He was right. I was doing 15 mph over the speed limit. I had made a mistake, a very costly mistake. One to the tune of $173. Choices, with consequences. I paid a high price for disobedience and the consequences may not be over. I don't know if it will affect my insurance rates yet. That is only the second speeding ticket I have ever received in my life. The first one was 25 years ago and I vowed then that I would never get another.
Do you remember what I said yesterday about making sure you get plenty of rest and eat regularly so you don't get in a position of compromise? Well, isn't that where I was with this one? You can not always prevent yourself from being in a state of exhaustion or hunger, I certainly understand that fact. I could not have prevented myself from being tired in this situation, but there is something I could have prevented. I had not read the Word all weekend.
Why had I not read His Word? Was I afraid that people would see me reading it? Was I afraid of being made fun of? Am I not disciplined enough? What kept me from it? How can I look Him in the face and answer that question? I had time for so many things, but for the One who loves me more than anything? He loved me before I was born. He chose me, sought me and loves me beyond anything I can imagine. How could I give Him the cold shoulder?
There are people who would tell me that God CAUSED me to get a speeding ticket, because I didn't spend time with Him over the weekend. Those people obviously don't really understand the truth of God's word. He would never do that. You see, the laws of God are not, (as we have discussed earlier), do's and don'ts. They are connections to Him. If we do not connect with Him properly, we will pay consequences. These consequences are natural consequences of our actions by being disconnected to God. Just as a lamp won't work without being connected to a power outlet, we won't work without being connected to the source of our power. Plug a 220 amp dryer into 110 amp plug-in and see what happens! Improperly connected! There are consequences. Not plugged in at all brings no power, but improperly plugged in can bring disastrous results.
Humility of Humility is being okay with your humility, even in the face of adversity. This past weekend, if I had been willing to have a routine of rising early to read His Word and pray (humility), perhaps I would have been listening to His voice a little closer instead of following my own voice. Are you afraid that people will know you are His? Do you try to mask it by going overboard with bad language or listening to inappropriate music? Do you join in with the crowd in order to fit in and not stand out as an individual?
What would happen if you separated yourself for Him instead? I think I need to re-think my own life a little more. I still have a putrid taste in my mouth............spew, spew!!! I really don't want another bite. How about you?
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Netzach of Hod - Enduring Humility
I have been out of pocket for the last few days. I have been to the Windy City of Chicago to do volunteer work with my son's drum corps. It was the last camp for the guys before their summer move-in and the beginning of drum corps season. I had no idea how much work goes into fitting uniforms! I am ready to go back to work in the factory!!!! I can say this, it was fun; although it was tiring.
I am so far behind I am not sure if I am going to get caught up, but I will try! Netzach of Hod or Enduring Humility is all about keeping it going even when you don't think you can or even when the temptation to do otherwise is overwhelming. This weekend was a test for me. You see, there was absolutely no spiritual influence around me whatsoever. I was virtually on my own in a foreign world. There were plenty of people I connected with in many ways, but the spiritual aspect was not there. I knew that I must rely on my Master for instructions and that is not always easy when you are exhausted, hungry and out of sorts in many ways.
Enduring humility is deciding to listen to the master and follow His leading for the long haul. No matter what the circumstances, it is of the utmost importance that you get plenty of rest and eat regularly. You also MUST take time to read His Word daily and communicate with Him daily. If not, you run the risk of separation from Him.
Is He worth the extra effort? Is your life worth the extra effort? Only you can make that decision.
I am so far behind I am not sure if I am going to get caught up, but I will try! Netzach of Hod or Enduring Humility is all about keeping it going even when you don't think you can or even when the temptation to do otherwise is overwhelming. This weekend was a test for me. You see, there was absolutely no spiritual influence around me whatsoever. I was virtually on my own in a foreign world. There were plenty of people I connected with in many ways, but the spiritual aspect was not there. I knew that I must rely on my Master for instructions and that is not always easy when you are exhausted, hungry and out of sorts in many ways.
Enduring humility is deciding to listen to the master and follow His leading for the long haul. No matter what the circumstances, it is of the utmost importance that you get plenty of rest and eat regularly. You also MUST take time to read His Word daily and communicate with Him daily. If not, you run the risk of separation from Him.
Is He worth the extra effort? Is your life worth the extra effort? Only you can make that decision.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Tiferet of Hod - Beauty of Humility
This weekend is the fabulous celebration of Thunder over Louisville. If you have never experienced this event you have truly missed an absolutely incredible event. Hundreds of hot air balloons flying high over the skies of the city of Louisville, Kentucky are a sight to behold. This event always precedes the Kentucky Derby by one week. I mention this event to keep in the forefront of your mind the picture of a thoroughbred horse, trained by a master for a purpose.
Today is Tiferet of Hod or Beauty of Humility. Your attitude toward your Master, as you go about living your life the way He has taught you to live, is essential. When people see your humility, do they see beauty or ugliness? Do you shine and reflect the nature of the master or does a cloud follow you around? Until tomorrow, Shalom!
Today is Tiferet of Hod or Beauty of Humility. Your attitude toward your Master, as you go about living your life the way He has taught you to live, is essential. When people see your humility, do they see beauty or ugliness? Do you shine and reflect the nature of the master or does a cloud follow you around? Until tomorrow, Shalom!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Gevurah of Hod - Discipline of Humility
I am sorry for not posting last night, but my eyes would not stay open long enough! Oh my! I want to take you to the next in our series, discipline of humility. I think it will be essential throughout this week to keep the picture of a thoroughbred horse in your mind. This is a great image considering the fact that May is the month in which the Kentucky Derby is held.
Although a great stallion is broken and guided by a master, the horse is still given free reign to make a great number of decisions on his own. It is up to the horse to make wise or unwise decisions. Just because we have a master doesn't mean we sit back and do nothing while waiting for Him to tell us EVERYTHING to do. We must make some decisions and for many decisions there are no right or wrong answers. God still expects us to do our share of the work. His job was to train us (leading us to become humble) and then we are responsible for knowing how to live our lives in that manner (humility).
Knowing where to set the boundaries on our humility is Gevurah of Hod. Do we have too much humility? (Do we not know how to do enough on our own? Are we standing around doing nothing too much of the time while waiting for God to give us instructions? - The man with the one talent who hid it.) Do we not have enough humility? (Do we do things our way regardless of what our Master has taught us? Do we tend to go our own way and in essence live by the saying, "Its easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission?") A balanced life of Gevurah of Hod - Discipline of Humility is a life that reflects the Master and makes people look to Him. When you cross that finish line everyone will be looking to Him and giving Him praise!!!
Where are your boundaries in humility? Do they need to be reeled in or let out? Shalom!~~~~~
Although a great stallion is broken and guided by a master, the horse is still given free reign to make a great number of decisions on his own. It is up to the horse to make wise or unwise decisions. Just because we have a master doesn't mean we sit back and do nothing while waiting for Him to tell us EVERYTHING to do. We must make some decisions and for many decisions there are no right or wrong answers. God still expects us to do our share of the work. His job was to train us (leading us to become humble) and then we are responsible for knowing how to live our lives in that manner (humility).
Knowing where to set the boundaries on our humility is Gevurah of Hod. Do we have too much humility? (Do we not know how to do enough on our own? Are we standing around doing nothing too much of the time while waiting for God to give us instructions? - The man with the one talent who hid it.) Do we not have enough humility? (Do we do things our way regardless of what our Master has taught us? Do we tend to go our own way and in essence live by the saying, "Its easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission?") A balanced life of Gevurah of Hod - Discipline of Humility is a life that reflects the Master and makes people look to Him. When you cross that finish line everyone will be looking to Him and giving Him praise!!!
Where are your boundaries in humility? Do they need to be reeled in or let out? Shalom!~~~~~
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
A New Week in the Counting! Chesed of Hod! What is that?
All caught up and its time for a new week in the Counting. Only three more weeks until a very special day, but you have to work through all three remaining weeks to find out what that special day is all about! Today is the beginning of the Week of the Counting of Hod. Hod is all about humility. The best description of humility is a beautiful thoroughbred horse. In the wild this horse is strong and without a doubt a force to be reckoned with if you came upon him, although he is of little use to man. Place that same horse in the hands of a master and he becomes a magnificent piece of machinery, one of the most useful animals on earth.
Humility does not give the impression of beaten down or low esteem, but strength and power yielded to the hands of the master who gave it. Are you now ready to dive into this week on humility? I am, so let's go!
Chesed of Hod or Loving Kindness of Humility. I actually think the definition of humility I have given you should allow you to exhibit love in your humility. It should not allow you to be arrogant in your humility nor should it allow you to be self degrading. Seeing the humility in your life should open you up to becoming so in tune with HASHEM that you are listening to His every word and allows you to know how to react in each and every situation. The reason for this is that in order to receive instructions, you have to listen to your master. (Think about a race horse and jockey. How does the horse know which way to go?) You can only accomplish this if you spend time with Him DAILY and many times DAILY!!!
If you are listening to your master you will love (remember the definition of love? Love = God). If you are listening to your master you will never think you are worthless, because He will tell you daily how precious you are. (p.s. its in His written word, everywhere!!!!) If you are listening to your master you will love others, because He will love others and He will be pulling on the reins to lead you to love them (He will never lead you to hate them, or not forgive them or plot revenge against them.....etc).
Does the Master have hold of the reins in your life or are you still running wild?
Humility does not give the impression of beaten down or low esteem, but strength and power yielded to the hands of the master who gave it. Are you now ready to dive into this week on humility? I am, so let's go!
Chesed of Hod or Loving Kindness of Humility. I actually think the definition of humility I have given you should allow you to exhibit love in your humility. It should not allow you to be arrogant in your humility nor should it allow you to be self degrading. Seeing the humility in your life should open you up to becoming so in tune with HASHEM that you are listening to His every word and allows you to know how to react in each and every situation. The reason for this is that in order to receive instructions, you have to listen to your master. (Think about a race horse and jockey. How does the horse know which way to go?) You can only accomplish this if you spend time with Him DAILY and many times DAILY!!!
If you are listening to your master you will love (remember the definition of love? Love = God). If you are listening to your master you will never think you are worthless, because He will tell you daily how precious you are. (p.s. its in His written word, everywhere!!!!) If you are listening to your master you will love others, because He will love others and He will be pulling on the reins to lead you to love them (He will never lead you to hate them, or not forgive them or plot revenge against them.....etc).
Does the Master have hold of the reins in your life or are you still running wild?
Monday, April 22, 2013
Enduring by Catching up!!!
I truly need to get back on task and am doing this by playing catch up. Unfortunately in order to do this I must combine three lessons into one. We will need to look at Hod of Netzach, Yesod of Netzach and Malchut of Netzach.
Hod of Netzach is realizing the strength to endure comes not from within you, but from HASHEM. It is only from Him that you have the strength and ability to endure to the end and reap the reward of endurance. This does not mean you are weak, but rather that you have an infinite source of power which goes beyond anything YOU can possibly achieve on your own. In essence, it makes you undefeatable! Remember that we are told in His Word:
"Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with His mighty strength! Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary. For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing. Therefore, stand!" Ephesians 6:10-14
Yesod of Netzach is being committed to the thing you are enduring about to the point of no return. You will let nothing deter you from carrying out your task. Do you remember the verse about "resisted to the point of the shedding of blood"? That is commitment! How committed are you to the person or thing you are enduring for? I haven't really touched on our endurance possibly being for a person, (and I'm not necessarily talking about looking for a mate, single ladies out there!). Are you enduring over someone who is lost? Are you enduring to the point of even giving up your own life over someone who the rest of society has given up on? Perhaps you should go back and read my post on "Broken Mirrors" from December 8, 2012.
Malchut of Netzach is the culmination of our entire week of the Counting of the Omer of Netzach. Malchut is all about reaching the maturity level of endurance. As I run this race of endurance, how am I perceived? Am I a whiner who constantly complains about every little ache and pain and obstacle that arises? Am I attracting attention to myself as I show off the things I accomplish along the way? Or, do I bring glory and honor to the one who has called, equipped and given me all the strength to accomplish every inch of the marathon?
When I approach the finish line of this race of endurance, I want to hear the words,
"You have done well, good and faithful servant.........Enter your master's joy!" Matthew 25:21
We begin a new week tomorrow, the week of Hod - Humility. Are you ready? Shalom!~~~~~~
Hod of Netzach is realizing the strength to endure comes not from within you, but from HASHEM. It is only from Him that you have the strength and ability to endure to the end and reap the reward of endurance. This does not mean you are weak, but rather that you have an infinite source of power which goes beyond anything YOU can possibly achieve on your own. In essence, it makes you undefeatable! Remember that we are told in His Word:
"Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with His mighty strength! Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary. For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing. Therefore, stand!" Ephesians 6:10-14
Yesod of Netzach is being committed to the thing you are enduring about to the point of no return. You will let nothing deter you from carrying out your task. Do you remember the verse about "resisted to the point of the shedding of blood"? That is commitment! How committed are you to the person or thing you are enduring for? I haven't really touched on our endurance possibly being for a person, (and I'm not necessarily talking about looking for a mate, single ladies out there!). Are you enduring over someone who is lost? Are you enduring to the point of even giving up your own life over someone who the rest of society has given up on? Perhaps you should go back and read my post on "Broken Mirrors" from December 8, 2012.
Malchut of Netzach is the culmination of our entire week of the Counting of the Omer of Netzach. Malchut is all about reaching the maturity level of endurance. As I run this race of endurance, how am I perceived? Am I a whiner who constantly complains about every little ache and pain and obstacle that arises? Am I attracting attention to myself as I show off the things I accomplish along the way? Or, do I bring glory and honor to the one who has called, equipped and given me all the strength to accomplish every inch of the marathon?
When I approach the finish line of this race of endurance, I want to hear the words,
"You have done well, good and faithful servant.........Enter your master's joy!" Matthew 25:21
We begin a new week tomorrow, the week of Hod - Humility. Are you ready? Shalom!~~~~~~
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Netzach of Netzach - Endurance of Endurance: Say What?
I feel as though my endurance is waning....! I am exhausted! I have worked six days in a row this past week while being sick at least two of those days and having my youngest son's musical performance the next night. That being said, I had only two nights of free time to write, (and had to forgo another musical performance by my son on another night to have that much free time). Then my oldest son and his family came for a visit yesterday and today and we were able to babysit the two grandsons, but that was a true delight!!! As you can see from the picture I am not use to having two little boys around and I am one exhausted grandma!!!
But, endure I must! Now what is the meaning of Endurance of Endurance? Are you just enduring for the sake of enduring or do you endure with a purpose? Even if there is a purpose, is it your purpose? Let me give you an example: there are many people who fill jobs within the church just because they need to be filled. The problem with that scenario is, those people aren't the ones who should be filling them. Have you or someone you know fallen into this trap before? It's called the 80/20 principle. 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people. God did not design His body to work this way.
God speaks to the heart of each individual to do a specific job within the body, but unfortunately we don't always listen. When one person doesn't do the job God has for them, another person steps in and takes on the task and usually does it out of guilt. At other times we start out performing a task we have originally been asked to do by God, Himself. As time goes on He may ask us to move on to something greater, but whether out of disobedience or fear, we balk. The end result is that we stay on and on and on in the original task until we are ineffective and the person who is now supposed to be performing the task has grown disheartened with no place to serve.
Paul reminds us of this aspect in Romans 12:4-8
"For just as there are many parts that compose one body, but the parts don't all have the same function; so there are many of us, and in union with the Messiah we comprise one body, with each of us belonging to the others. But we have gifts that differ and which are meant to be used according to the grace that has been given to us If your gift is prophecy, use it to the extent of your trust; if it is serving, use it to serve; if you are a teacher, use your gift in teaching; if you are a counselor, use your gift to comfort and exhort; if you are someone who gives, do it simply and generously; if you are in a position of leadership, lead with diligence and zeal; if you are one who does acts of mercy, do them cheerfully."
Now, what is your place of endurance? Do you know what God wants you to do? Is it very clear? God will never ask you to do something you absolutely hate. He will give you a love and desire for the things He asks you to do and He will also give you a gift in that area. If you really don't know, ask yourself this question; "what do people tell me about myself all the time?" Do people comment that you are a good listener? Do they say you are a good teacher? Do people tell you a lot that you always encourage them? Have you been blessed financially and is your heart touched by a need on a regular basis to the point where you contribute financially to that need?
Are you serving in the area you know you fit well into? If not, why not? Is it out of fear? Have you had a bad experience in that area and your confidence went down the tubes? Have you never stepped up to even try anything due to a low self image? Did you deal with your low self-esteem a couple of weeks ago when we talked about that? If you continue to listen to those voices in your head that say, "you can't do that. You aren't good enough to do that. You aren't smart enough to do that. Who do you think you are with your past to do those things?", then you are saying that you are greater than God. Have you ever thought about it that way? You are saying, "I am smarter than God, I know more than He does and I know that He could never do what He says He will do." You see, God says,
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." Jeremiah 1:5
"Who are you, a mere human being, to talk back to God? Will what is formed say to Him who formed it, 'Why did you make me this way?'" Romans 9:20
So, what is your area of endurance? When you figure it out or come to a place of surrender in it, then jump in. If there is no place to serve in that ministry at your church, keep praying about it and looking. Keep seeking for the place He wants you to serve in the area He has equipped you to serve and do not stop enduring in that endeavor. Endure in this endurance. Keep on keeping on!!!!!!! And when you find that place, endure there until God gives you a new assignment!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But, endure I must! Now what is the meaning of Endurance of Endurance? Are you just enduring for the sake of enduring or do you endure with a purpose? Even if there is a purpose, is it your purpose? Let me give you an example: there are many people who fill jobs within the church just because they need to be filled. The problem with that scenario is, those people aren't the ones who should be filling them. Have you or someone you know fallen into this trap before? It's called the 80/20 principle. 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people. God did not design His body to work this way.
God speaks to the heart of each individual to do a specific job within the body, but unfortunately we don't always listen. When one person doesn't do the job God has for them, another person steps in and takes on the task and usually does it out of guilt. At other times we start out performing a task we have originally been asked to do by God, Himself. As time goes on He may ask us to move on to something greater, but whether out of disobedience or fear, we balk. The end result is that we stay on and on and on in the original task until we are ineffective and the person who is now supposed to be performing the task has grown disheartened with no place to serve.
Paul reminds us of this aspect in Romans 12:4-8
"For just as there are many parts that compose one body, but the parts don't all have the same function; so there are many of us, and in union with the Messiah we comprise one body, with each of us belonging to the others. But we have gifts that differ and which are meant to be used according to the grace that has been given to us If your gift is prophecy, use it to the extent of your trust; if it is serving, use it to serve; if you are a teacher, use your gift in teaching; if you are a counselor, use your gift to comfort and exhort; if you are someone who gives, do it simply and generously; if you are in a position of leadership, lead with diligence and zeal; if you are one who does acts of mercy, do them cheerfully."
Now, what is your place of endurance? Do you know what God wants you to do? Is it very clear? God will never ask you to do something you absolutely hate. He will give you a love and desire for the things He asks you to do and He will also give you a gift in that area. If you really don't know, ask yourself this question; "what do people tell me about myself all the time?" Do people comment that you are a good listener? Do they say you are a good teacher? Do people tell you a lot that you always encourage them? Have you been blessed financially and is your heart touched by a need on a regular basis to the point where you contribute financially to that need?
Are you serving in the area you know you fit well into? If not, why not? Is it out of fear? Have you had a bad experience in that area and your confidence went down the tubes? Have you never stepped up to even try anything due to a low self image? Did you deal with your low self-esteem a couple of weeks ago when we talked about that? If you continue to listen to those voices in your head that say, "you can't do that. You aren't good enough to do that. You aren't smart enough to do that. Who do you think you are with your past to do those things?", then you are saying that you are greater than God. Have you ever thought about it that way? You are saying, "I am smarter than God, I know more than He does and I know that He could never do what He says He will do." You see, God says,
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." Jeremiah 1:5
"Who are you, a mere human being, to talk back to God? Will what is formed say to Him who formed it, 'Why did you make me this way?'" Romans 9:20
So, what is your area of endurance? When you figure it out or come to a place of surrender in it, then jump in. If there is no place to serve in that ministry at your church, keep praying about it and looking. Keep seeking for the place He wants you to serve in the area He has equipped you to serve and do not stop enduring in that endeavor. Endure in this endurance. Keep on keeping on!!!!!!! And when you find that place, endure there until God gives you a new assignment!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Tiferet of Netzach or Beauty of Endurance
Did you take a long look at your list of things you are enduring about? Have you put boundaries on the things with no eternal value? Was there anything NOT on the list that should have been? I am afraid I had to look very closely and re-evaluate my own list and I am still working on it. Now, on to the beautiful part of endurance.
What is so beautiful about endurance? The beauty comes when you begin to see your endurance paying off. Perhaps it is in personal gains or losses such as weight control or healthy lifestyle choices. It could be you see others begin to smile around you as you deal with personal issues you have avoided for years. It could also be the absolute joy of seeing people turn their life over to God, because you shared Christ with them. Milestones, markers. The beauty of enduring. Paul summed up the entire week of the Omer of Netzach in Hebrews 12:1-8
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us thow off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons:
'My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when He rebukes
you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes everyone He accepts
as a son.'
Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined then you are illegitimate children and not true sons."
I want to explain these verses a little so that no one takes them out of context. These verses are all about how we are running a race against sin. Jesus also ran that race against sin, but although He was in all ways tempted like we are, sinned not. He is our example. We are to run that race also keeping our eyes fixed on the prize set before us and since we are human we probably will sin and when we do, God will allow hardships (consequences of that sin) in order to discipline us back onto the track. Just as with our own children we allow them to fall in the mud when they are disobedient and refuse to listen about staying on the sidewalk, God allows us to get a little muddy when we step off the "race-track". He sets us back on the track and hoses us off to continue on with the race. If you have ever been washed off with one of those big fire truck water hoses, you don't want to be washed off that way again!
The great thing is, you also get better each time. The longer you endure, the less you have to get washed off. The longer you are in His Word, the more He starts giving you His Word and it sets you back on the track. Then you endure even longer and when you just look away for a moment all He has to do is call your name and you turn back around to the track. Oh, and when you think you are out of breath or you are just so tired you can't pick your feet up another time, well.......He gives you Tiferet.......markers......beauty........something to help you get your second wind and strength to carry on - endure a little longer. A glimpse of why you are doing what you do or a glimpse of that prize you are keeping your eyes on.........a milestone, just like those markers along the way at a 5K or a Marathon. A little crocus peering its beauty through the snow.........just a reminder that spring is not far away.
What is so beautiful about endurance? The beauty comes when you begin to see your endurance paying off. Perhaps it is in personal gains or losses such as weight control or healthy lifestyle choices. It could be you see others begin to smile around you as you deal with personal issues you have avoided for years. It could also be the absolute joy of seeing people turn their life over to God, because you shared Christ with them. Milestones, markers. The beauty of enduring. Paul summed up the entire week of the Omer of Netzach in Hebrews 12:1-8
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us thow off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons:
'My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when He rebukes
you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes everyone He accepts
as a son.'
Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined then you are illegitimate children and not true sons."
I want to explain these verses a little so that no one takes them out of context. These verses are all about how we are running a race against sin. Jesus also ran that race against sin, but although He was in all ways tempted like we are, sinned not. He is our example. We are to run that race also keeping our eyes fixed on the prize set before us and since we are human we probably will sin and when we do, God will allow hardships (consequences of that sin) in order to discipline us back onto the track. Just as with our own children we allow them to fall in the mud when they are disobedient and refuse to listen about staying on the sidewalk, God allows us to get a little muddy when we step off the "race-track". He sets us back on the track and hoses us off to continue on with the race. If you have ever been washed off with one of those big fire truck water hoses, you don't want to be washed off that way again!
The great thing is, you also get better each time. The longer you endure, the less you have to get washed off. The longer you are in His Word, the more He starts giving you His Word and it sets you back on the track. Then you endure even longer and when you just look away for a moment all He has to do is call your name and you turn back around to the track. Oh, and when you think you are out of breath or you are just so tired you can't pick your feet up another time, well.......He gives you Tiferet.......markers......beauty........something to help you get your second wind and strength to carry on - endure a little longer. A glimpse of why you are doing what you do or a glimpse of that prize you are keeping your eyes on.........a milestone, just like those markers along the way at a 5K or a Marathon. A little crocus peering its beauty through the snow.........just a reminder that spring is not far away.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Gevurah of Netzach - Discipline of Endurance
I do want to apologize for not posting this last night. The reason for not posting was that my son, along with his music fraternity, was performing on campus and this momma just had to be there! I think you know what I'm talking about. It was a very special performance at that! My son's girlfriend and her music sorority also performed. Then the two groups performed together in memorial to a member of the fraternity who was tragically taken away just a little over a week ago in a traffic accident. What a special night.
I want to take a common thought in Judaism and bring it into this lesson before going any further. It is the same thought process we have in America, yet we say it backwards from the Jews. They say, "One step back in order to take two steps forward," and that is my point today. I want to take one step back for a moment in order that we may take two or more steps forward in our thinking.
I want you to stop and think about the meaning of endurance for a moment. Endurance is ambition or energy that comes from within and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. The trouble with endurance is that we MUST look at it within our lives to ensure each thing we are enduring about is productive and not just for the sake of business. I am going to throw in a myth buster for you here: "Idle hands are the devils workshop" IS NOT found in the Bible. Are you devastated? Sorry, that is just another wives' tale. Let's talk about endurance for a moment.
Think about the things you do that you are most passionate about. Get real about it. I am not talking about things such as feeding the hungry or leading people to Christ. Get outside the Bible for a moment. We are passionate about many things - or shall we say energetic to the point of non-stop till we have achieved a goal about many things. Let me give you some examples: collecting, getting rid of all the dandelions in our yard, tanning, visiting all 50 states, housecleaning, bathing, shoes or clothes, eating, having a house in a certain subdivision, a designated amount of money in the bank, etc.
Make a list of ALL the things you are enduring about. Now, out beside each of those things, make a check mark by the things that have eternal value or an X by the things that have only earthly value. I want to pass on to you something that has stuck with me for years. I heard a woman speak at a women's event about 20 years ago. She was talking about her own mother and said when she was growing up her mother was obsessed with a clean house. She related how her mother never had time for the children. When the children were grown the mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and while fighting for her life, told the daughter how a spotlessly clean house wasn't so important anymore. She also related how much the mother regretted spending so much time on the house instead of with her family throughout her lifetime.
I don't want you to misunderstand what I am saying, because we must clean our houses. There are many, many things we must do on a daily basis. In fact many of the things I listed above in the examples of things we are passionate about are necessities, but should we be obsessive about them to the point of endurance? This is where I want you to take a GOOD LONG assessment of your life and the things you do every day.
Now bring into play our Counting of the Omer for the day with Gevurah of Netzach or Discipline of Endurance. Are you enduring over things that have no eternal value? Then take those things and place boundaries on them. Do not keep these as high energy priorities. Do what is necessary, but don't try to rationalize them as a priority when they aren't. Can you take them into Paradise with you, will you receive a reward for them, will they change someone else's life or are you willing to give your life for them? If so keep on keeping on in them. If not, then place them low on the priority list.
Do you have NO endurance over the things that DO have eternal value? Is there nothing you will take into Paradise with you, receive a reward for, change someone else's life with or that you are willing to give your life for? Maybe you need to reassess your priorities. Maybe you need to reassess your relationship with the One and Only. Do you know Him, Yeshua and the Father, God?
This has been a little longer than I had intended it to be, but there are times we need a little explanation. I have some reassessing to do myself. Until tomorrow, Shalom!~~~~~~~~~~~~
I want to take a common thought in Judaism and bring it into this lesson before going any further. It is the same thought process we have in America, yet we say it backwards from the Jews. They say, "One step back in order to take two steps forward," and that is my point today. I want to take one step back for a moment in order that we may take two or more steps forward in our thinking.
I want you to stop and think about the meaning of endurance for a moment. Endurance is ambition or energy that comes from within and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. The trouble with endurance is that we MUST look at it within our lives to ensure each thing we are enduring about is productive and not just for the sake of business. I am going to throw in a myth buster for you here: "Idle hands are the devils workshop" IS NOT found in the Bible. Are you devastated? Sorry, that is just another wives' tale. Let's talk about endurance for a moment.
Think about the things you do that you are most passionate about. Get real about it. I am not talking about things such as feeding the hungry or leading people to Christ. Get outside the Bible for a moment. We are passionate about many things - or shall we say energetic to the point of non-stop till we have achieved a goal about many things. Let me give you some examples: collecting, getting rid of all the dandelions in our yard, tanning, visiting all 50 states, housecleaning, bathing, shoes or clothes, eating, having a house in a certain subdivision, a designated amount of money in the bank, etc.
Make a list of ALL the things you are enduring about. Now, out beside each of those things, make a check mark by the things that have eternal value or an X by the things that have only earthly value. I want to pass on to you something that has stuck with me for years. I heard a woman speak at a women's event about 20 years ago. She was talking about her own mother and said when she was growing up her mother was obsessed with a clean house. She related how her mother never had time for the children. When the children were grown the mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and while fighting for her life, told the daughter how a spotlessly clean house wasn't so important anymore. She also related how much the mother regretted spending so much time on the house instead of with her family throughout her lifetime.
I don't want you to misunderstand what I am saying, because we must clean our houses. There are many, many things we must do on a daily basis. In fact many of the things I listed above in the examples of things we are passionate about are necessities, but should we be obsessive about them to the point of endurance? This is where I want you to take a GOOD LONG assessment of your life and the things you do every day.
Now bring into play our Counting of the Omer for the day with Gevurah of Netzach or Discipline of Endurance. Are you enduring over things that have no eternal value? Then take those things and place boundaries on them. Do not keep these as high energy priorities. Do what is necessary, but don't try to rationalize them as a priority when they aren't. Can you take them into Paradise with you, will you receive a reward for them, will they change someone else's life or are you willing to give your life for them? If so keep on keeping on in them. If not, then place them low on the priority list.
Do you have NO endurance over the things that DO have eternal value? Is there nothing you will take into Paradise with you, receive a reward for, change someone else's life with or that you are willing to give your life for? Maybe you need to reassess your priorities. Maybe you need to reassess your relationship with the One and Only. Do you know Him, Yeshua and the Father, God?
This has been a little longer than I had intended it to be, but there are times we need a little explanation. I have some reassessing to do myself. Until tomorrow, Shalom!~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
A New Week in the Counting - Chesed of Netzach or Love of Endurance
We speak all the time of enduring love, but rarely hear of the love of endurance. Strange how we can take a phrase and switch the words around to a whole new meaning isn't it? Today is the beginning of a new week in the Counting of the Omer. It is week four and the week of Netzach or Endurance.
What does it mean to endure? It really just means to keep on going, no matter the cost. Now with that in mind, what thing or things are so important to you that you will exhibit endurance for them? Given the fact that we have just witnessed such a great tragedy connected with the Boston Marathon, endurance is something we can actually have quite a visual aspect of. For this lesson and the rest of this week's Counting, I want to use a marathon analogy to help you better understand the lessons.
I want you to visualize the thing or things you are enduring about. Perhaps it is getting a task done at work or home, saving money, political or social issues, family or living a life that pleases God. Now, think about how you go about those things. How do you accomplish your goals for these things. Do you exhibit love in the process or do you just barrel on letting nothing get in your way? Do you set about on your course out of love or hate? Are you demanding of your way or does love rule your actions and words?
I want to give you this picture; there is a man by the name of Dick Hoyt. He has a son with Cerebral Palsy. Dick is 72 years old and his son is 51. Dick began running in marathons and Triathlons several years ago, pushing his son in a specially engineered running chair. He runs with his son so the son can experience the joy of being able to compete in things only people with fully functioning arms and legs can do. As of this week they have competed in over 1100 events, this year being their 31st Boston Marathon. There is even a bronze statue at the start of the Boston Marathon which has been placed there in honor of the two men, in their likeness. Wow! Love in Endurance. A father's love enduring for his son. 26 grueling miles pushing a "wheelchair" full of his son for the sake of the son. How many of us would even walk 6 miles without pushing anything?

How much do you endure and when you do, does it contain love?
What does it mean to endure? It really just means to keep on going, no matter the cost. Now with that in mind, what thing or things are so important to you that you will exhibit endurance for them? Given the fact that we have just witnessed such a great tragedy connected with the Boston Marathon, endurance is something we can actually have quite a visual aspect of. For this lesson and the rest of this week's Counting, I want to use a marathon analogy to help you better understand the lessons.
I want you to visualize the thing or things you are enduring about. Perhaps it is getting a task done at work or home, saving money, political or social issues, family or living a life that pleases God. Now, think about how you go about those things. How do you accomplish your goals for these things. Do you exhibit love in the process or do you just barrel on letting nothing get in your way? Do you set about on your course out of love or hate? Are you demanding of your way or does love rule your actions and words?
I want to give you this picture; there is a man by the name of Dick Hoyt. He has a son with Cerebral Palsy. Dick is 72 years old and his son is 51. Dick began running in marathons and Triathlons several years ago, pushing his son in a specially engineered running chair. He runs with his son so the son can experience the joy of being able to compete in things only people with fully functioning arms and legs can do. As of this week they have competed in over 1100 events, this year being their 31st Boston Marathon. There is even a bronze statue at the start of the Boston Marathon which has been placed there in honor of the two men, in their likeness. Wow! Love in Endurance. A father's love enduring for his son. 26 grueling miles pushing a "wheelchair" full of his son for the sake of the son. How many of us would even walk 6 miles without pushing anything?

How much do you endure and when you do, does it contain love?
Monday, April 15, 2013
Malchut of Tiferet - Maturity of Beauty
Before I finish up this week of the Counting of the Omer, let me say one thing. Just because I write about these things does not mean I have achieved them. I had someone to ask me today how I accomplished them and I responded, "I haven't, they take a lifetime!" Its true. God gives me the in-depth vision to some of the posts I write, but for the most part the writings come from the teachings of the Jews and what they have taught for centuries. I have given them a little insight from a Christian perspective with the Holy Spirit's guidance, but it does not mean that I have yet achieved the very things of which I write. I lay down at night convicted of things I need to work on and change as much as anyone else. There, I just wanted you to know that fact so you would not think I was some super spiritual woman, for I am not.
Now, today's Counting is Malchut of Tiferet or Mature Beauty. Mature Beauty is when you reach a point of being able to stand strong in who you are no matter what others say about you. It is being confident in who you are in HASHEM and have an unshakable faith in that fact. When others make a negative comment about you it just rolls off. This comes from spending time with HASHEM on a daily basis, but mainly a moment by moment basis. If He is your constant companion, you have confidence.
I have a copy of the most wonderful children's book that gives a perfect example of this. It is called, You Are Special by Max Lucado If you don't own a copy, please purchase one. It is a great addition to your library.
And just so you know that I am not there yet, just this morning I was in a not so good mood. My husband was joking with me about putting on my makeup and I immediately within myself wanted to cry. I know he was only kidding, but I went into a pity party and got angry with him. I even did something a little bit mean to him with my blush brush! OH!!!! I had to apologize and also to ask forgiveness from God. I still have a lot of work to do. How about you? Aren't you glad God is patient with us, girls?
Until tomorrow when we start a new subject, Shalom!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Now, today's Counting is Malchut of Tiferet or Mature Beauty. Mature Beauty is when you reach a point of being able to stand strong in who you are no matter what others say about you. It is being confident in who you are in HASHEM and have an unshakable faith in that fact. When others make a negative comment about you it just rolls off. This comes from spending time with HASHEM on a daily basis, but mainly a moment by moment basis. If He is your constant companion, you have confidence.
I have a copy of the most wonderful children's book that gives a perfect example of this. It is called, You Are Special by Max Lucado If you don't own a copy, please purchase one. It is a great addition to your library.
And just so you know that I am not there yet, just this morning I was in a not so good mood. My husband was joking with me about putting on my makeup and I immediately within myself wanted to cry. I know he was only kidding, but I went into a pity party and got angry with him. I even did something a little bit mean to him with my blush brush! OH!!!! I had to apologize and also to ask forgiveness from God. I still have a lot of work to do. How about you? Aren't you glad God is patient with us, girls?
Until tomorrow when we start a new subject, Shalom!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Yesod of Tiferet - Commitment to Beauty
Being beautiful takes a lot of work, doesn't it girls? We spend thousands of dollars to get and stay beautiful! I am joking, a little, but in reality we really do spend a lot of money on our looks alone. And one thing is certain, if we start it, we must stay committed to keeping it that way or.......its gone! If you ever start coloring your hair it must be done every 3 weeks or so.....for the rest of your life!!!!!! Long lasting commitment or you pay the consequences of looking, uh shall we say, like a skunk until all the color has grown out (could take months, oh my!).
For true beauty to be the kind of beauty God wants and seeks from us takes the same kind of commitment. As with discipline a partner is of the utmost importance, but you are just as important to the partner as well. In fact, you are important to the beauty of others. I want you to think about something; do others feel beautiful in your presence or do they feel ordinary, plain or downright ugly?
There are times when all it takes for someone to feel beautiful is for another to tell them how beautiful they are. Never forget that you are God with skin on to those around you. They can not see Him, but you they can see and He lives in you. Even the most beautiful people in the world will feel ugly if they are told they are ugly by those around them. I have known women who were beautiful to most people, but were continually berated by their husbands until they felt worthless and ugly. Their self-esteem was almost nil. I have also known women who were barely average looking, but whose husbands thought they were the most beautiful women on earth and told them so on a daily basis and those women had faces that shone like the sun! What a difference a few words made.
So now, its the dreaded Monday. Are you going to take advantage of it and find someone who is down, allowing God to open your eyes to see their beauty? Will you also ask God for wisdom as you help that person see how beautiful they are? You may be the only person who has ever seen them in that light in their entire life. Never let your eyes rest from looking for someone who needs to see themselves as beautiful. The reward you receive in return is WELL WORTH IT!
For true beauty to be the kind of beauty God wants and seeks from us takes the same kind of commitment. As with discipline a partner is of the utmost importance, but you are just as important to the partner as well. In fact, you are important to the beauty of others. I want you to think about something; do others feel beautiful in your presence or do they feel ordinary, plain or downright ugly?
There are times when all it takes for someone to feel beautiful is for another to tell them how beautiful they are. Never forget that you are God with skin on to those around you. They can not see Him, but you they can see and He lives in you. Even the most beautiful people in the world will feel ugly if they are told they are ugly by those around them. I have known women who were beautiful to most people, but were continually berated by their husbands until they felt worthless and ugly. Their self-esteem was almost nil. I have also known women who were barely average looking, but whose husbands thought they were the most beautiful women on earth and told them so on a daily basis and those women had faces that shone like the sun! What a difference a few words made.
So now, its the dreaded Monday. Are you going to take advantage of it and find someone who is down, allowing God to open your eyes to see their beauty? Will you also ask God for wisdom as you help that person see how beautiful they are? You may be the only person who has ever seen them in that light in their entire life. Never let your eyes rest from looking for someone who needs to see themselves as beautiful. The reward you receive in return is WELL WORTH IT!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Hod of Tiferet - Humility of Beauty
Shalom! I hope you have enjoyed this wonderful Saturday. It has been a beautiful yet cool day here and I had to work, but tomorrow is a day of rest! I do hope that you are going to the House of the Lord to worship, praise and learn as much about Him as you can.
As I returned home from work today, my husband and I took a walk around the outside of the house to look at the flowers and plants that were either blooming or beginning to bud. Tulips abloom and trees beginning to leave - the beauty of HASHEM'S world!!!! What about your beauty? Have you begun to realize the beauty in you and what that entails? Have you come to terms with the fact that you ARE beautiful? Do you understand what beauty is? If so, we need to deal with something now, before it goes too far - humility.
All of us must understand where we are in the grand scheme, but having an understanding of our beauty can be a dangerous thing unless we also have a grasp on humility. When we believe we are beautiful we can easily begin to become haughty or prideful. Remembering the source of your beauty is essential. Never neglect to give HASHEM the glory for your beauty with each compliment in regard to it.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is refusing to see our beauty and downplaying that beauty when others recognize it within or without us. When someone compliments our beauty, we should always accept that compliment. As we accept it we do it, not as a compliment to us, but as a compliment to the One who made the beauty in us. As we accept that compliment we should say, "Thank you for noticing my God within me".
How do you react to compliments about your beauty? Do you downplay them, gloat or accept them with humility? Hod of Tiferet - Humility of Beauty! Knowing where your true beauty is from.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Netzach of Tiferet - Enduring Beauty
We have come to the midpoint for this week. It is Netzach of Tiferet or Enduring Beauty. How we look at beauty in this world and seek to make it last, yet know that physical beauty is something which will fade with time. Try as we might, wrinkles will come, age spots show up and hair will turn grey or fall out. We may have them tightened, cover or color them, but eventually we either run out of money or the strength to keep up with the process.
Yesterday I talked about Beauty of Beauty; wholeness of beauty and being beautiful from the inside out. Today I want to talk to you about what makes beauty enduring beauty. If you take the beauty I talked about last night and bring it one step farther along you will have enduring beauty. There are many great examples in the Torah: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, etc. Beauty that is enduring begins with Torah and ends with Torah. Torah must be the fabric of your being. It must be the air you breathe, the food you eat, the words you say, the thoughts you think, the actions of your body and the clothing you wear.
When you live a life totally given over to Torah, you live a life totally given over to God. As you do this, everything you do will be an offering to Him which will in turn leave a lasting legacy to the generations after you. Enduring - lasting forever, both on earth and in the world to come! A lasting legacy.
Will you leave a legacy of beauty or ashes? It is up to you and how it turns out can be blamed on no one, but you. So? Which one is it? Until tomorrow, Shalom!
Yesterday I talked about Beauty of Beauty; wholeness of beauty and being beautiful from the inside out. Today I want to talk to you about what makes beauty enduring beauty. If you take the beauty I talked about last night and bring it one step farther along you will have enduring beauty. There are many great examples in the Torah: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, etc. Beauty that is enduring begins with Torah and ends with Torah. Torah must be the fabric of your being. It must be the air you breathe, the food you eat, the words you say, the thoughts you think, the actions of your body and the clothing you wear.
When you live a life totally given over to Torah, you live a life totally given over to God. As you do this, everything you do will be an offering to Him which will in turn leave a lasting legacy to the generations after you. Enduring - lasting forever, both on earth and in the world to come! A lasting legacy.
Will you leave a legacy of beauty or ashes? It is up to you and how it turns out can be blamed on no one, but you. So? Which one is it? Until tomorrow, Shalom!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Tiferet of Tiferet - Beauty of Beauty
My parents who were my examples of Beauty of Beauty
We have arrived at day three of week three of the Counting of the Omer. I hope that today finds you safe and free of any storm damage from last night and today's storms that have passed through the country. Today is all about Tiferet of Tiferet or Beauty of Beauty. As I finished the post for yesterday I began thinking about this one and could not imagine how I would approach it. I told my husband I had no clue how to write about beauty of beauty and I would have to really think hard on this one. We changed the subject and I made a comment about someone we both knew and how I had begun to realize how vulgar their mouth was. He replied, "I didn't know that about them." I said that I didn't know it either until recently, then we both went to bed.
I awoke an hour and a half later writing this post in my head as I awoke. I know that the Lord God was giving me the words as I slept. HASHEM is so good!!!!! HE is AMAZING!!!! How I love Him!!! Beauty of Beauty is all about wholeness. It reminds me of a quote I heard when growing up; "Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clear through." You see beauty can either be within or without, but beauty of beauty is complete beauty! It is wholeness, from within and without.
Please don't get the wrong impression of beauty from my definition. Outward beauty is not the way the world defines beauty. It is not a size 0 waist, long flowing blonde tresses of hair, flawless skin and a 42" bust. Beauty is a trait that captivates and draws people to the source of the beauty. I am willing to bet that you have known people like this in your lifetime. They aren't necessarily beauty pageant material. They aren't ugly, just maybe average, but something about them is so wonderful you are drawn to them. I am not talking about charisma, I am talking about true beauty. The kind of pure, genuine, wholesome, truth and love from deep inside. This is beauty of beauty.
Tiferet, itself is a "harmony" of Chesed (Loving kindness) and Gevurah (Discipline). Therefore, true Beauty is a blend of Love and Discipline. The true Love and Discipline that can only come from HASHEM. Now, have that true Love and Discipline filling you on the inside and clothing you on the outside.......
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with feelings of compassion and with kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with one another; if anyone has a complaint against someone else, forgive him. Indeed, just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must forgive.
Above all these, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together perfectly; and let the shalom which comes from the Messiah be your heart's decision-maker, for this is why you were called to be part of a single Body.
And be thankful - let the Word of the Messiah, in all its richness, live in you, as you teach and counsel each other in all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude to God in your hearts. That is, everything you do or say, do in the name of the Lord Yeshua, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." Colossians 3:12-17 JNT
Do you see it? The Beauty of Beauty produces the Fruit of the Spirit! And there is an added bonus! When you begin to produce the Beauty of Beauty from yourself you will be shining a beacon into the world that will draw others to the source of your beauty.......Yeshua, who will then draw all men to the Father!!!!!! Harmony!!!! Tiferet!!!!! As you see the true beauty in yourself, you will begin to see the beauty in others and they will begin to see the beauty within themselves which will in turn result in them seeing the beauty in others and so on. And before long you know what can happen? Well, Yeshua told us what can happen......
"Therefore, go and make people from all the nations into talmidim (disciples), immersing them into the reality of the Father, the Son and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19 JNT
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These are two of my nieces who are a new generation of beauty of beauty. So proud of them. |
Mirror, mirror on the wall
who's the fairest of them all?
It is the one who's words and actions
reflect their Sovereign Master.
Beauty of Beauty within and without
a trait so rare, that is without a doubt.
Will you be the one, dear friend of mine
to take the challenge or be left behind?
Got your beauty cream ready? Until tomorrow, SHALOM!~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Gevurah of Tiferet - Discipline of Beauty
Like last night I truly believe this week's Counting is going to be the difficult one to deal with. Today is Gevurah of Tiferet or Discipline of Beauty. As I talked about yesterday, beauty is a god in the United States. For that reason I have chosen to use beauty instead of compassion for the definition of Tiferet for the Counting this year.
I am going to make this brief, for it is probably going to be a stormy night for many of you. How much stock do you put in your own beauty? Do you seek it or seek to stay away from it? This is where the discipline comes into play. HASHEM created you and you are beautiful!!!! All of HASHEM's creation is beautiful. Does His word not say,
"And why be anxious about clothing? Think about the fields of wild irises, and how they grow. they neither work nor spin thread, yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed as beautifully as one of these." Matthew 6:28-29 JNT
You see you can down play your personal beauty to the point of making yourself unattractive for fear of beauty or you can seek to draw attention to yourself in a way that is not pleasing to HASHEM. Perhaps it is something you do not consciously think about. Women, if many of you are like me, you have no idea that men think the way they actually do. I am going to recommend a book to you and you NEED to read it.
For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn
It is a short book but it is an eye opener and please read it especially if you have daughters. We do not realize how much our clothing makes a difference. Please do not misunderstand me here, I am not saying that we are responsible for men raping women, WE ARE NOT!!! Men who do that are sick individuals and they need help!!!! I am talking about every day ordinary thoughts that we are creating within men that we can help.
Here is where I want to really go with this discipline of beauty thought....WE as women have bought into the lie for far toooooooo long!!!! We have said, "well, this is what men want, so we should give it to them, right?" WRONG!!! We need to be saying, "What does HASHEM want?" It does not matter what the men want, it only matters what our God wants! Let's talk women's liberation for a moment, if you want to jump on that band wagon, ladies we should be in an uproar over the hamburger commercials where they are using pornography to try and sell a jalapeno bacon burger!!! For crying out loud, the latest one shows a woman in a scantily clad dress practically having an orgasm while eating the burger in front of her daughter's date! It is time WE stood in unison to protest the degradation of women in this manner and especially the degradation of beauty in this manner! DISCIPLINE!!!!
Beauty is something to be treasured, not exploited!!! How do you feel about beauty in your life? Do you draw attention to yourself or do you try to hide it? Seek to allow both your inner and outer beauty to shine the way HASHEM designed it.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Its All About Tiferet! - Chesed of Tiferet
It is a new week in the Counting of the Omer and this week's subject is all about Tiferet. As a refresher, Tiferet is beauty or compassion. Day one of week three is Chesed of Tiferet. This can be defined a couple of different ways. I am going to challenge you, because of our society and the pressures of it, from the direction of Beauty.
Without love, beauty is only a picture or a one dimensional image. With love, beauty is a multi-dimensional object that is able to reach out and become involved in the world around, in essence it becomes compassion. A second way to look at it is that without love, beauty is something we can get a very skewed perspective on. How many women abuse their own bodies or spend thousands of dollars on themselves all in order to look like some model in a magazine and then have to spend hours in therapy all because they couldn't achieve it? In the United States, especially, we worship beauty as if it were a god rather than worshiping God who is the maker of beauty!
If you look back you will see the definition of love is God. When you place God with beauty it will put beauty into its proper perspective. Beauty is not something physical we should seek, but something Godly. Beauty is all around us. God has given us more beauty than we can imagine if we are sensitive to the Spirit's voice. He will show us all the glorious beauty in the world if we will just take our eyes off ourselves long enough to see others and Him for a moment. Are you willing to look? Sometimes those things of beauty can only be seen with spiritual eyes.
Over the next 24 hours, rather than seeking the love of beauty the way the world does; why not seek the Love of Beauty from the Biblical perspective. Look around you at the beauty of God's creation. Seek out the beauty in the things He has given us and in His Torah.
Until tomorrow, Shalom!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Malchut of Gevurah - Mature Discipline
It is day seven of week two of the Counting of the
Omer. We have at last reached the end of
the week on discipline. Now what on
earth could mature discipline mean?
Well, it really is pretty simple.
Mature discipline is reaching a place of owning it. It is a place of understanding that YOU are
responsible for where you are and where you are headed and IF you are going to
change it is up to you. You cannot sit
back on your duff and do nothing waiting for God to change you. It does not work that way.
Unfortunately many people believe that is the way spiritual
change takes place. They know there is
some kind of “sin” in their life and they pray and pray for “God to take it
away” and keep on doing the very thing they are asking God to take away. Teshuva – repentance, means to make an
about-face and go in the opposite direction.
Decide in your heart you want to change, turn 180 degrees then walk in
the opposite direction AWAY from the thing you want to change from and LEAVE
THAT THING BEHIND!!!! For heaven’s sake
DON’T walk back toward it!!!
On the day of Your accounting before HASHEM, He will not
accept an answer from you such as; “I just couldn’t change, you see I was a
victim of an abusive home,” or “I had an alcoholic father,” or “I thought you
were going to take it away from me Lord, but I guess whatever didn’t kill me
was to make me stronger, right, God?” He
is going to ask you what YOU did to change!
HASHEM has given you His Torah and His Ruach Ha Kodesh so you will know how to
change, how to discipline yourself. Now,
are you going to own it? Are you a
mature adult or, in the words of Paul, do we need to heat a bottle of milk for
Tomorrow we start a new week in the Counting, are you
ready? Shalom!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Yesod of Gevurah - Committed Discipline
Its day 6 of the second week of the Counting of the Omer and it is Yesod of Gevurah - Committed Discipline. For discipline or boundaries to be effective we must be committed to them. Nothing works better to help you stick to those commitments than having a partner; who is also committed to the same thing with you.
Have you ever wanted to start working out, but had no one to go with you to the gym? It is extremely difficult to do things alone, isn't it? This is the place for a partner to come into play. Living a life that is seeking to be holy requires a partner to help shore us up on the days when we are weak. A day or so ago I quoted Hebrews 12:11 about discipline being painful in the beginning, but in the end it brings peaceful fruit of righteousness. If you read the next verse in that passage, you will see that Paul goes on to quote Isaiah 35: 3 and Proverbs 4:26 when he says:
"strengthen weak hands and give support to failing knees; and make a level path for your feet so that what has been injured will not get wrenched out of joint but rather will be healed."
These words are to the believers in Paul's day, but the words in Isaiah and Proverbs were also for the Jews telling them to hold each other up and encourage each others faith. You see, each of us have days when we are strong and we also have days when we are weak in the knees. We have to take turns holding each other up. We all need a committed partner that is in the race for the long haul to help us make sure we keep up the discipline or keep the boundaries in place.
Do you have a partner running alongside you? If not, you definitely need one. Reach out today and find that person to run beside you. Until tomorrow, Shalom!~
Have you ever wanted to start working out, but had no one to go with you to the gym? It is extremely difficult to do things alone, isn't it? This is the place for a partner to come into play. Living a life that is seeking to be holy requires a partner to help shore us up on the days when we are weak. A day or so ago I quoted Hebrews 12:11 about discipline being painful in the beginning, but in the end it brings peaceful fruit of righteousness. If you read the next verse in that passage, you will see that Paul goes on to quote Isaiah 35: 3 and Proverbs 4:26 when he says:
"strengthen weak hands and give support to failing knees; and make a level path for your feet so that what has been injured will not get wrenched out of joint but rather will be healed."
These words are to the believers in Paul's day, but the words in Isaiah and Proverbs were also for the Jews telling them to hold each other up and encourage each others faith. You see, each of us have days when we are strong and we also have days when we are weak in the knees. We have to take turns holding each other up. We all need a committed partner that is in the race for the long haul to help us make sure we keep up the discipline or keep the boundaries in place.
Do you have a partner running alongside you? If not, you definitely need one. Reach out today and find that person to run beside you. Until tomorrow, Shalom!~
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Hod of Gevurah - Humility in Discipline
Another day of discipline and two more days of discipline to go!!!! Oh the joy, right? You can never get too much of a good thing, can you? Come on now, admit it, you kind of like this discipline thing, don't you? No, I don't either, but it has to be done. I would rather talk about love myself, but we can't have all the cake, we have to have a little beans and broccoli too! Okay, let's look at this humility in discipline thing.
As I looked back at day five of week one of the Counting, I noticed that I used the word Majestic rather than humility to describe Hod. It is the same and interchangeable. You see, it is how we relate to HASHEM and see ourselves in relation to Him. Unless we look at all discipline as being allowed by HASHEM in order to make us into the most beautiful, magnificent and spectacular creation it is for naught. When we keep discipline (or boundaries) in the proper perspective for ourselves, we are then able to keep the way we discipline (or set up boundaries for) others in the proper perspective.
As you look back to the past four days of our conversation on discipline, what has your perspective been on that discipline? Have you seen it through the eyes of HASHEM? Have you seen it as a wonderful, precious gift to you from the Father? As you pass that discipline or boundary along to someone else, are you using humility as you do or are you biased in your discipline? An old saying fits very well here, "there but for the grace of God, go I."
Until tomorrow, Shalom!
As I looked back at day five of week one of the Counting, I noticed that I used the word Majestic rather than humility to describe Hod. It is the same and interchangeable. You see, it is how we relate to HASHEM and see ourselves in relation to Him. Unless we look at all discipline as being allowed by HASHEM in order to make us into the most beautiful, magnificent and spectacular creation it is for naught. When we keep discipline (or boundaries) in the proper perspective for ourselves, we are then able to keep the way we discipline (or set up boundaries for) others in the proper perspective.
As you look back to the past four days of our conversation on discipline, what has your perspective been on that discipline? Have you seen it through the eyes of HASHEM? Have you seen it as a wonderful, precious gift to you from the Father? As you pass that discipline or boundary along to someone else, are you using humility as you do or are you biased in your discipline? An old saying fits very well here, "there but for the grace of God, go I."
Until tomorrow, Shalom!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Netzach of Gevurah - Enduring Discipline! Oh NO!!! I can't do that!
Please tell me we don't have to endure discipline forever!!!! I don't want discipline to go on and on and on!!!!! LET ME OUT!!!! Is that what you thought when you read enduring discipline? Well, let me give you a fresh sigh of relief, UNLESS you are hard headed and keep on straying far away from HASHEM and need to be disciplined to bring you back into the fold, ha ha!!!!
How about looking at it like this; keeping on keeping on with the things that work. Have you started a plan to a healthier you? Keep going! Have you put yourself on a budget? Keep going! Have you started tithing? Keep going! Have you started studying Torah? KEEP GOING! Well, do you see what I mean? Enduring discipline!!!!
What about enduring boundaries? Set boundaries that will last beyond a lifetime. Go back to our talk about boundaries in a previous post and think deeply about the meaning of that and seek to set boundaries that can last for generations. What difference can you make on the generations to come with the boundaries and disciplines you set forth today?
It is Shabbat (Sabbath), so worship the Lord your God tonight and tomorrow! Give Him the glory and honor He deserves! Make His praises glorious! He is! Anochi!!!
Until tomorrow, Shalom!
Tiferet of Gevurah - the beauty or compassionate side of discipline
I am running a little behind but the day isn't over yet! Today is all about the beauty of discipline or perhaps the compassionate side of discipline. What could be beautiful about discipline? Well, perhaps Paul said it best when he said,
"No discipline for the moment seems to be joyful, but painful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." Hebrews 12:11
The beauty of discipline! Oh how difficult it is to give up those candy bars and cookies, but oh the beauty of fitting into those smaller sized clothes, am I right girls? Is it worth the pain?
What about the compassionate side of discipline? Is there someone in your life, possibly yourself, that you have placed boundaries upon, but you have shown no compassion while setting those boundaries? Maybe you have wanted to shed some weight, but you have put unreasonable goals upon yourself? OR do you have an eating disorder? Do people tell you all the time you are too thin, but you see someone who is fat when you look into the mirror?
Girlfriend, God does not want you to look at yourself any other way than beautiful. He does not want you to see yourself through the world's eyes and the world has lied to you LONG enough! If there is no compassion in your boundaries or discipline, you have some serious pain to be dealt with. I am not trying to be funny or cute. I love you and God loves you more than you could ever imagine. If I am talking about you here, you need to know that the causes behind these things are serious issues and they need SERIOUS help. PLEASE email me if you have no one you can talk to and I will help you find someone that can help you.
I will say this to all my readers, Ladies, there are so many of you who are hurting beyond belief. I can not tell you how many women have come to me over the last five or so years and just started pouring out their hearts to me. I have heard story after story about sexual abuse from woman after woman. Let me just say this for today.....YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There are thousands of you who have suffered tragic events at the hands of men who are far from Godly men! And there are people like me who are waiting here with open arms to hold you and help you heal, but most of all there is a heavenly Father who loves you more than you could ever dream. He has been holding you all along. I know you have a lot of questions to ask about why then and why didn't He stop it, but that is for another time and that is a part of the healing process. Today I just want you to know there is someone who cares. It is time for you to heal, and that process may be painful, but it must occur so you can see the beauty. The blending of Love and Discipline (boundaries).
You see, the discipline can also be seen as boundaries and there is so much beauty in a boundary, because there is truly a freedom in boundaries. When you have a boundary all around and you know nothing can get inside to harm you, well, there is FREEDOM! Freedom to love, see all the beauty and enjoy the life you have without fear! And that, my friends is a beauty beyond comparison!!!
Until later tonight, Shalom!!!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Week 2, Day 2 - Gevurah of Gevurah - What, More about Discipline?
I will definitely make this post short and well probably not too sweet, ha! I am very tired and it is getting late. Not only that, but my husband had a death in his family today, so we will be involved in family events for the next couple of days also. Please keep us in your prayers as it was an unexpected death.
Gevurah of Gevurah (discipline of discipline), hmmm? How does one define that concept? Well, how do you define your discipline? Don't think about it in the way you discipline others, but in the way you discipline yourself. Think about how you use your time, money, resources, etc. Are you wasteful or perhaps you are stingy? You see, discipline is a good thing, but you can have too little discipline or too much discipline. Have you heard of those people who refused to use electricity to save money and then froze to death after which you found out they were millionaires?
Let each of these sink in........I will have to do the same.......believe me this one is a difficult one for me as I am on one end of the spectrum and my husband on the other! Until tomorrow, Shalom!
Gevurah of Gevurah (discipline of discipline), hmmm? How does one define that concept? Well, how do you define your discipline? Don't think about it in the way you discipline others, but in the way you discipline yourself. Think about how you use your time, money, resources, etc. Are you wasteful or perhaps you are stingy? You see, discipline is a good thing, but you can have too little discipline or too much discipline. Have you heard of those people who refused to use electricity to save money and then froze to death after which you found out they were millionaires?
Let each of these sink in........I will have to do the same.......believe me this one is a difficult one for me as I am on one end of the spectrum and my husband on the other! Until tomorrow, Shalom!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
A New Week in the Counting and a New Concept!
I have said this so many times in my posts, but it seems that God brings the situation into my life I am writing about and this past week was no different. In fact, this post is no different. This post is extremely difficult for me, because the situation is very close and personal. In fact, if this were pen and paper instead of a computer screen there would probably be tear stains on the words. It is so personal I can not share the situation, but believe me it has everything to do with today's counting concept.
Over the past week we have talked about the different aspects of love, but now we will talk about the different aspects of discipline or boundaries. Our first day of this week's counting of the Omer is Chesed of Gevurah or Love in Discipline. (We could also call it Love in Boundaries as well.) We have talked about unconditional love and how that kind of love does not mean love without boundaries. Unconditional love means I will always love you, period. You can not earn it or do anything to lose it, but because I love you there must be boundaries for your best interest (and since we are human, mine as well). Let me give you a really good example: have you ever picked up a baby or small child that you just adored and hugged them so tight you squeezed and squeezed and thought you could just squeeze them tighter, but you knew you couldn't or it could cause injury or death? That is unconditional love with boundaries - for the baby's best interest (and yours since you probably don't want to spend the rest of your life in prison). You have to put boundaries on your love or you will cause harm to that child. To just say I love you unconditionally without setting boundaries may give the other person license.....do you understand?
Now back to today's counting. Chesed of Gevurah is the opposite. Do we set boundaries without love in the mix? Do we discipline without enough love involved? Love should always be the motivating factor in our discipline or the setting of boundaries. If we are helping someone else to see their "faults", are we using love or just judgment?
Let me give you this quote as a guideline. Although it isn't from the Bible or a Jewish publication I think it is a great guideline to use in this area. It was given to me by one of the most precious people in my life.
"If its very painful for you to criticize your friends, you're safe in doing it. But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue." Alice Duer Miller
Until tomorrow, Shalom, my friends.
Over the past week we have talked about the different aspects of love, but now we will talk about the different aspects of discipline or boundaries. Our first day of this week's counting of the Omer is Chesed of Gevurah or Love in Discipline. (We could also call it Love in Boundaries as well.) We have talked about unconditional love and how that kind of love does not mean love without boundaries. Unconditional love means I will always love you, period. You can not earn it or do anything to lose it, but because I love you there must be boundaries for your best interest (and since we are human, mine as well). Let me give you a really good example: have you ever picked up a baby or small child that you just adored and hugged them so tight you squeezed and squeezed and thought you could just squeeze them tighter, but you knew you couldn't or it could cause injury or death? That is unconditional love with boundaries - for the baby's best interest (and yours since you probably don't want to spend the rest of your life in prison). You have to put boundaries on your love or you will cause harm to that child. To just say I love you unconditionally without setting boundaries may give the other person license.....do you understand?
Now back to today's counting. Chesed of Gevurah is the opposite. Do we set boundaries without love in the mix? Do we discipline without enough love involved? Love should always be the motivating factor in our discipline or the setting of boundaries. If we are helping someone else to see their "faults", are we using love or just judgment?
Let me give you this quote as a guideline. Although it isn't from the Bible or a Jewish publication I think it is a great guideline to use in this area. It was given to me by one of the most precious people in my life.
"If its very painful for you to criticize your friends, you're safe in doing it. But if you take the slightest pleasure in it, that's the time to hold your tongue." Alice Duer Miller
Until tomorrow, Shalom, my friends.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Malchut of Chesed - Mature Love
It is the end of week one of the counting of the Omer and I it seems as though every aspect of love has been challenged in my life this past week. This one, is especially difficult for me since I seem to be in the throws of a mid-life crisis. I did not choose a career path when I was young, but chose to become a wife and mother instead. That choice has left me at a crossroads now that the nest is empty. I am finding myself looking for my place of belonging. "But you are a wife and mother!", you say. Yes, I am, but my husband is content to come home from work and either watch television or work in the yard. My oldest son lives four hours away and I see him only a couple of times a year. My youngest is still in college and who knows where he will end up after graduation. His goal is to become a high school band director, so he will have little time to spend with extended family. I am just not one to sit in a chair and watch television for hours (can't stand to watch it for an hour!). I have to feel as though I am doing something that makes a difference in my world and I feel very unfulfilled at the moment. Can you see where I am coming from?
A Malchut of Chesed is the kind of love where you can with peace look at your love and know that you are making a difference with the love you are showing. You do not have to be elderly or even mid-life. You can be 20 and know this feeling. It is a regal kind of love.
This love is also one where you build up others or where you are built up by others. If someone you love, and who says they love you, is always breaking your spirit this is not love.
Do you use your place in this world to build up or tear down?
Are you allowing someone to tear you down?
Tomorrow evening begins week 2 of the Counting of the Omer. Are you ready to move on? Until then, Shalom!
A Malchut of Chesed is the kind of love where you can with peace look at your love and know that you are making a difference with the love you are showing. You do not have to be elderly or even mid-life. You can be 20 and know this feeling. It is a regal kind of love.
This love is also one where you build up others or where you are built up by others. If someone you love, and who says they love you, is always breaking your spirit this is not love.
Do you use your place in this world to build up or tear down?
Are you allowing someone to tear you down?
Tomorrow evening begins week 2 of the Counting of the Omer. Are you ready to move on? Until then, Shalom!
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