Thursday, May 9, 2013

Only 5 more days to go! I can't wait!!!!

This is day two of week 7 and what a ride it has been!  I do believe I have a better understanding, not only of who I am, but of who God is.  I have been able to see these seven attributes of My Master and  a glimpse of His glorious love and mercy.  When I look at Him from these angles there is no way I can see Him as an angry Oaf who sits on a throne throwing lightening bolts down upon us.  I never saw Him that way before now, but I know many of you may have.  Many people see God as a Zeus type of character who derives pleasure in taunting and "punishing" His creation with each little mistake they make.  

The Lord God is not like that at all and the Bible DOES NOT show that image of Him.  The interpretation of scripture by people who do not know the Hebraic way of writing, lifestyle and teachings have given us the Zeus depiction of God.  The Jews have never known or thought of God in that manner.  Isn't it refreshing to know the truth?  Does it set you free, just as His Word said it would?

Today is Gevurah of Malchut or in our terms: Discipline of Maturity

Maturity is reaching a place where people look to you for authority due to your well roundedness.  (Yes, I know that really isn't a word, but it kind of should be!)  Let's just say they know you have been there, done that, bought the T-shirt and have worn it well.  They look to you for advice.  Now comes the Gevurah or discipline part of the equation.  Do you try to show your authority where you don't have knowledge?  Do you try to use your authority where you really have none or shouldn't be?  Do you realize where you have wisdom and understanding and where you do not?  Perhaps you need to set some boundaries (discipline) on your maturity.

On the other hand, do you fail to step in and use your authority when you know you should?  Do you often keep silent even though you know you should impart your wisdom in a situation?  Perhaps you have set too many boundaries on your maturity.

Too little discipline usually involves pride and too much discipline usually involves fear.  Neither of these are a sign of maturity, so in essence have you truly reached maturity?

Until tomorrow, Shalom!~~~~~~~~~~~

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