Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Its HERE!!!!!! Can you hear the wind!!!!!

That day has arrived!  It is Shavuot!  Better known to us as Pentecost!  Are you ready for it?  Have you been anticipating it?  Something is about to happen and you had better hang onto your hat!!!

The Spirit has come upon you like a mighty rushing wind.  Do you feel like
he performed a lot of pruning on you over the past seven weeks?

Let me start off by giving you some facts about Shavuot.  This is the day the 10 Connections (Commandments for all you Bible Belt Christians) were given at Mt. Sinai.  It is the day King David was born and also the day he died, (many years later of course).  AND the day the Holy Spirit was given to all individual believers!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WOW!!!  What a day!  Oh yeah, and at the first Pentecost at Mt. Sinai there was this golden calf incident and as a result 3000 people died.  (See Exodus 32 for the full story)  Now fast forward to Acts and what happened on that Shavuot?  How many accepted Yeshua and repented of their sin?  3000!  (See Acts 2 for the full story, go ahead and read the entire chapter.  It won't hurt you to read it all!)  A rectifying of the original Pentecost!

Okay, now that we have been through The Counting and WE are at Pentecost, what does that mean for us?  Well, we have prepared ourselves to receive Torah into our hearts and have the Holy Spirit do signs and miracles within us and through us, wouldn't you say?  If we have truly prepared our hearts through the counting we are ready to receive what He has for us!

Let me just say, coming from the daughter of a carpenter, if you have not properly prepared the foundation; you ain't ready to receive the walls!  Have you properly prepared your foundation?  If not, go back through each of these weeks for the next 49 days if it takes it and then again and again and again.  Is it time waisted?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  No time spent preparing your foundation for the walls God has prepared to give you is ever time wasted!!!!  I cannot help but be reminded of the scripture from Luke:

"Yeshua answered and said to her,  'Martha, Martha, you are worried and alarmed about many things.  Nothing is necessary except one thing and Mary has chosen the good portion that will not be taken from her.'"  Luke 10:41-42

Time with the Master is NEVER time wasted, but will reap rewards unimaginable!  Are you ready to receive your walls or does your foundation still need a little work?  If so, get to work while there is still daylight!!!   ITS PENTECOST!!!!!!!   I hear the sound, of a strange and mighty wind.  And its closer now than its ever been!  OH and BTW!!!!  Part of the Shavuot celebration is to enjoy something made from dairy today, so I think for all of you that can go there, a trip to DQ is in order!!!  I guess I will have to make a trip to Kroger for a little "dairy-free"  rice milk cream!  lol!  But I will enjoy it just the same!!!!!

I have enjoyed this journey immensely and hope to be back with a new post this weekend.    SHALOM!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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