Wednesday, May 8, 2013

All Grown up!! A lesson in Maturity

This, my friends, is a bittersweet week.  It is a relief in a way since I do not HAVE to post every day and also it is sad that I do not HAVE to post every day.  I have enjoyed posting most every day, because it has kept me focused.  It is been difficult, because I have not been in the Torah the way I should.  I would love to be able to do nothing but spend time in the Torah, but alas I must work.  Perhaps there will come a day when God will allow me the privilege to be able to spend time in His Word and write more.  Until that day comes, I will be thankful for what He has given me and do my best to not complain about my circumstances.  (Notice I said I will do my best to not complain!  It is not easy, I know.)

This is the last week in our Counting of the Omer and what a week it will be as it will end on day 8 with a wonderful surprise and the culmination of a promise from the Lord, blessed be He!!!  Will you be ready to accept it?  You know, considering that Mother's Day is coming about Day 5 in this week and the Proverbs 31 woman will be preached from a multitude of pulpits this Sunday; you will know the truth of that chapter.  Will you have the qualities defined within you by this Sunday?  Perhaps, if you have this Saturday off from work, it would be a good idea to take these past 6 weeks coupled with this week's lessons and go back over them.  Assure yourself you have everything taken care of in your life and watch what happens on Sunday morning when the Spirit works through that Proverbs 31 sermon your'e likely to hear.

This last week is about Malchut or Maturity.  Malchut can be defined many ways; maturity, sovereignty, kingdom, feet.  For 2013 I have chosen maturity to represent this glorious attribute of God within us.   Maturity is unlike all other six attributes in that it is not an activity, but a state of being.  Maturity is a culmination of loving kindness, discipline, beauty, endurance and humility being bonded together through commitment.  Maturity is reaching a place in life where you can see yourself through God's eyes and see that you are here for a reason.  You have a place, a purpose and you make a difference.  It is knowing that you are loved and cared for and you have nothing to fear.  Security and confidence - not haughtiness or PRIDE!

DAY 1 Chesed of Malchut - Loving Kindness of Maturity

Maturity is always loving and kind.  It does not force its authority on anyone, nor does it force its views upon another.  If you are a leader, do you lead with kindness instead of harshness?  Do you listen to others ideas and encourage others or tear them down?  Is your spirit kind or critical?  Do your words lift up or break down?

I was reminded of these things this morning as my son asked, "Mom, why do teachers want their students to fail?  Doesn't that reflect back onto them?"  I had to answer, "Yes, son, it does."  I know he wasn't speaking of all teachers, but as a freshman in college taking finals he was speaking of a particular teacher.  Do you love to see people under your instruction fail?  Do you ever say, "Let's just see how hard I can make things for them!"  Maybe this is the way you parent.  Perhaps you should re-think your leadership skills for this is not maturity.

Until tomorrow........Shalom!

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