Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Yesod of Netzach, Committed Endurance

Yesod of Netzach is being committed to the thing you are enduring about to the point of no return.  You will let nothing deter you from carrying out your task.

Do you remember the verse about "resisted to the point of the shedding of blood"?  That is commitment!   How committed are you to the person or thing you are enduring for?  I haven't really touched on our endurance possibly being for a person, (and I'm not necessarily talking about looking for a mate, single ladies out there!).  Are you enduring over someone who is lost?  Are you enduring to the point of even giving up your own life over someone who the rest of society has given up on?  Perhaps you should go back and read my post on "Broken Mirrors" from December 8, 2012.


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