Sunday, May 10, 2020

Netzach of Hod - Enduring Humility

Several years ago I was out of town as a volunteer for a weekend event. I really didn't know anyone before I arrived. I make friends easily so I wasn't concerned. The biggest hurdle for me was that the event was not religious and I knew nothing about the backgrounds of the people by which I was surrounded.

Netzach of Hod or Enduring Humility is all about keeping it going even when you don't think you can or even when the temptation to do otherwise is overwhelming.  That weekend was a test for me.  There was no spiritual influence around me that I could discern.  It wasn't a bad situation, in fact it was a wonderful experience involving music.

I was in the midst of people with many different backgrounds and beliefs. There were plenty of people I connected with, but I had no idea if there was a spiritual connection.  I knew that I must rely on my Master for instructions and that is not always easy when you are exhausted and hungry, (I have food allegies so trying to get enough to eat when away from home is sometimes difficult.)

Enduring humility is deciding to listen to the master and follow His leading for the long haul.  No matter what the circumstances, it is of the utmost importance that you get plenty of rest and eat regularly.  You also MUST take time to read His Word daily and communicate with Him daily.  If not, you run the risk of separation from Him.

Is He worth the extra effort?  Is your life worth the extra effort?  Only you can make that decision.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
