Sunday, September 29, 2013

I guarantee you can't pass this test!!!!!!!

Can you identify by the picture the religion it represents?  I will give you the choices to pick from (in alphabetical order): Atheist, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jew and Muslim.


Did you get them all right?  If you did, you achieved something I could not do.  You see, I can’t tell the Atheist from the Christian in the photos.  In fact, I don’t know if either of those are Christian or if either of them are Atheist.  The point of the test is that outwardly there is no difference between them.  A Christian doesn’t usually stand out in a crowd but neither will an Atheist.  Every major world religion stands out in a crowd except Christians, am I right? 

Why do all other world religions stand out?  Look at them; they dress differently, eat differently, act differently and sometimes even talk differently.  So, why don’t Christians follow this same pattern?  Now, before you go all out with that, “Well, Jesus set us free!  We don’t have to do all those things,” speech, I want to take you to a place we have touched on many, many months ago, but I want to show you something new and exciting about some scripture that is probably very familiar to you.

It has been one year since I began this blog and this coming year I am going in a brand new direction!  I intend to show you something you have perhaps never noticed before.  I hope to show you how every verse of the New Testament is actually a commentary on the Old Testament (The Tanach).  So, are you ready to begin?  Something old is about to become new again!!!  Let’s go!
Something very important in Judaism is a thought process called verbal tallies.  These are words or phrases that connect you back to a section of The Torah.  Are you ready for it?  Turn to John 1:1-5

 “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  Everything was made to exist through Him, and nothing that was made to exist was made to exist except by Him.  There was life in Him and the life was light for the sons of men.  The light shone in the darkness and the darkness did not overtake it.”

Does anything in this scripture give you a verbal talley?  What jumped out at you when you read it?  Did this verse take you back to Genesis 1:1-5? Let’s see those verses:

“In the beginning of God’s creating the heavens and the earth – when the earth was astonishingly empty, with darkness upon the surface of the deep and the Divine Presence hovered upon the surface of the waters – God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.  God saw that the light was good, and God separated between the light and the darkness.  God called to the light: ‘Day,’ and to the darkness He called: ‘Night.’  And there was evening and there was morning, one day.”

Wow!  Lots of verbal tallies, wouldn’t you say?  If you have been raised in the Church you have been taught this Word is referring to Jesus Christ, but what about the Light?   Light in Jewish teaching as far back as you can go is, in it’s simplest terms….Torah!  More in-depth it is spiritual illumination or wisdom.

As we are starting a new year of teaching, the Torah reading for this week has been Genesis 1:1 – 6:8 so I want to give you more verbal tallies to that passage.  Go a little deeper into John.  Do you remember last week when I mentioned Jesus speaking up at the water drawing and pouring ceremony on the last great day of Sukkot?  Well, I had a misprint in that post.  It was on the 7th day of the festival (so sorry, but I wanted to correct that and will go back and correct it on the actual post).   After making his famous, “If anyone is thirsty” speech he then says the following:

“I am the light of the world.  Anyone who follows me will not walk in darkness, for he will have the light of life.”  John 8:12

Both the “If anyone is thirsty” and “I am the light of the world” statements are made on the same day at the same festival.  It is the Last Great day of the festival of Sukkot.  This day is called the “Great Salvation.”  This day is a “Great” day of celebration culminating seven days of living in personal booths known as sukkahs.  The entire festival is a fall festival which is known for its thankfulness for a great harvest and beseeching God for rain for the coming year, thus the water drawing and pouring out ceremony every day of the festival.  On the last great day of the festival there is overwhelming joy and special celebrations containing lots of singing and dancing. 

I want to give you a word picture of Jerusalem on this day as described to us in the Mishna:

“there were four golden menorahs with four golden bowls at the top of each and four ladders each leading to a bowl.  Four strong young cohanim (priests) would climb up with pitchers each holding 9 liters of oil which they would pour into the bowls.  From the worn-out drawers and girdles of the cohanim they made wicks and with them they lit the menorahs; and there was not a courtyard in Jerusalem that was not lit up by the light of the Beit-HaSho’evah (festivities).  Pious men and men of good deeds would dance around (the menorahs) with lit torches in their hands, singing songs and praises, while the Levites played harps, lyres, cymbals, trumpets and innumerable other musical instruments…” (Sukkah 5:2-4)

In Sukkah 52b it reports that these menorahs were 75 feet high.   Can you get a feel for the surroundings at the moment Jesus shouted out his famous lines!  More like a concert in the middle of a huge outdoor arena with all the lights on than probably what you have had in your mind all these years, isn’t it?

Now, if you went to your Bible, you probably noticed the story of the woman caught in adultery thrown in between the two sections of Jesus shouting out about living water and being the light.  And, if you read it closely it says, “In the morning” which implies that after Jesus talked about being living water one day the statement about being the light was on a different day.  Well, let me straighten one thing out.

John 8:1-11 from what the experts can figure out is true, but it is not John’s writing.  It is believed (by many scholars) to be the work of one of Jesus’ other disciples, but which one is quite the mystery.  Along with that tidbit is the fact that no one is quite certain about the timeline in Jesus ministry as to when this event took place.  It was placed here in John’s Gospel early on in the Church’s beginnings and has been left there.  It is believed to have been an Oral tradition with the early Church that found its way into the early manuscripts.  Now, if you are OCD, like me, don’t get too hung up on this passage being inserted at this point and just trust what the experts tell us. 

Now, back to our original conversation on the Word and the Light!  John tells us the Word became flesh and dwelt (tabernacled or sukkahed) among us!  Yes He did!!!  The Great Salvation had come: The Torah and Spiritual Illumination had become flesh and was living among us and would soon be dwelling IN US!!! 

Great news!  What could be wrong with that?  Well what did Jesus say about the Light?  “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light which gives life.”   If light dispels darkness, where is this light in the world today?  All I hear about is the darkness in the world and how bad the world is becoming, yet the majority of America claims to be Christian.  If Christians have the light which gives life, shouldn’t we be dispelling the darkness? 

Why can’t you pick out a Christian in a crowd of people?  Should Christians not look different?  The fact of the matter is; if you are a true Christian then you are going to look, think, talk and act differently and you will eat differently.  (That lesson comes much, much later.)  If everyone who says they are a Christian actually were a Christian, congress wouldn’t have to be on the verge of a shutdown.   Welfare, food stamps, homelessness would all be a thing of the past.  Our United States federal income tax rate would drop to an all-time low, because there would be no need for federal or state programs to take care of those needs I listed.  There would also be no need for FEMA or mandated health insurance programs.  No child would be falling through the cracks of the court system.  Prisons would become desolate wastelands and there would be NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND!

If we are reflecting the Light of the World, we are His hands and feet and we will be carrying out the following:

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me……Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”  Matthew 25:34-36, 40

Well, how do I know Christians are supposed to have this light? 

You are the light of the world.  A city that sits on the mountain will not be hidden, nor do people kindle a lamp just to put it under the bushel measure, but on the menorah, to illuminate all who are in the house.  So also, shine your light before sons of men, so that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father who is in heaven.”  Matthew 5:14-16

That is you and me, if we have Jesus!  It doesn’t say to do these things so they will praise us.  NO!  Heaven forbid!  It is so they will see the Father in the Light we reflect out of us!   If you have ever worn a shirt or necklace that had a little mirror type ornament on it, you know how it catches the light and reflects it onto everything!  That is what I want you to take away from this!  When people look at a picture of a crowd, I want them to be able to pick out the Christians, because they are reflecting the Light within us!!!  May that reflection be so bright the people are blinded by it!!! (I like visuals!  lol) 

One of the smallest, tiniest almost non-existent slivers of light can break the darkness, BUT NO AMOUNT OF DARKNESS, NO MATTER HOW LARGE CAN DISPEL THAT SMALL SLIVER OF LIGHT!!!!  Never ever forget that concept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, go spread some light this week!!!!!!  SHALOM! 

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