Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Expressions of My Mouth....

Have you ever thought about the complete definition of words we think we understand and use on a regular basis?  Words......  This past week or so I have been thinking, well perhaps it is better stated that God has been dealing with me, about my mouth AND my mind.  I feel the need to share this lesson with others as I go through it.

While preparing to write this post I struggled for a title that would not only get attention, but denote the seriousness of the topic.  The familiar verse came to mind, "Let the words of my mouth....," Psalms 19:14.  I looked it up in a new Bible I recently purchased and it reverberated the words  emblazoned on my mind from Bible Drill and Bible School days as a child.  "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing before You, O 'The Name', my rock and my redeemer." The Scriptures copyright 2012 by The Institute for Scripture Research

Okay, then I went to my Ashkenazi Hebrew-English translation of The TANACH.  It contains only what Christianity refers to as The Old Testament.  In that translation it is actually Psalms 19:15 and says, "May the expressions of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find favor before You, HASHEM, my Rock and my Redeemer."  

[Before I go any further, I urge every Christian to order these two translations.  YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!  The TANACH comes in two different versions, Ashkenazi and Sephardic.  Both will give you the actual Hebrew characters on the right page and the English translation on the left.  Go to these websites and order one today!]

Now, on to the subject matter.  (Hang in here with me, even if the next few paragraphs are difficult to understand.)  What is the difference in using "words" or "expressions" in the translation?  Well, thinking I truly knew what the word expression meant, I looked it up to be certain.  Ready for it?  Think you truly know the definition?

     According to Miriam Webster, Expression, (the simple version):
: the act of making your thoughts, feelings, etc., known by speech, writing, or some other method 
: the act of expressing something
: a word or phrase
: the way someones face looks that shows emotions and feelings

The more detailed version:
1  a :  an act, process, or instance of representing in a medium (as words) :  utterance <freedom of expression>
    b (1) :  something that manifests, embodies, or symbolizes something else <this gift is an expression of my admiration for you> (2) :  a significant word or phrase (3) :  a mathematical or logical symbol or a meaningful combination of symbols (4) :  the detectable effect of a gene; also :  expressivity 1
2  a :  a mode, means, or use of significant representation or symbolism; especially :  felicitous or vivid indication or depiction of mood or sentiment <read the poem with expression>
    b (1) :  the quality or fact of being expressive (2) :  facial aspect or vocal intonation as indicative of feeling
3  :  an act or product of pressing out 
Hmmmm..... from what I see in this definition, words are mere meaningless vocal utterances without expression.  Our mouths can spill forth many, many words which have absolutely no meaning one way or another without expression behind them.  In writing we denote expression by the use of punctuation.  For example, "I love you." or, "I love you!" or even still, "I love you?"  Did you read something different into the examples.  
 So what sets the tone for our words or expressions?  The Scriptures say it is meditations or thoughts.  What's the difference?  Let's read the definition of those two words. 

: the act or process of spending time in quiet thought 
: the act or process of meditating
: an expression of a person's thoughts on something

: an idea, plan, opinion, picture, etc., that is formed in your mind 
: something that you think of
: the act or process of thinking
: the act of carefully thinking about the details of something

I really like the TANACH version of this scripture best since I think it conveys more meaning.  Let me paraphrase it for you using Webster's definitions:

"Let the expressions of my mouth through words, songs, utterances, and intonation as well as the overall look of expression on my face; along with the ideas, plans, opinions, pictures, etc., that are formed and focused on in my mind, continually be inspired and approved by You and You alone and bring You glory, O glorious God of heaven and earth, for You alone are my Rock and my Redeemer."

I hope this helps you to view a familiar scripture from an entirely new perspective and at a much deeper level.  

Now, why has God been dealing with me on this subject?  I attend a class every Tuesday evening where the students are taught the Bible from a 1st Century Hebraic perspective.  My personal thought process has literally been turned upside down for the last four years.  My understanding of scripture has been taken from a Kindergarten perspective, (which I actually thought was an undergraduate college level ha!), to perhaps a middle school level perspective. 

One very important perspective of the entire Bible is, as Jesus put it in Mark 12:29-31; "The greatest commandment is this: Hear O Israel!  The Lord our God is one Lord; and you are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind.  There is another like it, Love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no other commandment greater than these."

Have we perhaps strayed far, far away from these most important commandments?  Could this be the solution to all that is wrong with our society?  Have we changed the words within our hearts to: "Hear O self!  I am the most important person in the world; I will love myself with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength and with all my mind.  And secondly, I will exalt myself above all others, cause I am worth it.  After all, it is a dog eat dog world out there and if I don't look after number one, who will?"

A few weeks ago my teacher taught about leprosy as spoken of in the Torah.  If you read the "laws" set forth in Leviticus, you will see a set of laws dealing with this atrocious affliction.  Many modern day Christians have tried to explain this affliction through the eyes of what is now known as leprosy, but it is far from this 21st century perspective.  Leviticus 13-14 lay out the conditions for which Tzaraas (translated in many Bibles as leprosy) is determined and cured.  

I will try to explain this affliction as best I can.  Tzaraas was an affliction that could contaminate a person, a dwelling and/or clothing.  The cause of tzaraas was something known in Judaism as lashon hara.  The translation usually comes across as gossip or evil speech, but it is SO much more.

Gossip usually implies sticking ones nose in another persons' business and then telling everyone they know the juicy tidbits they have discovered.  Evil speech implies either cursing and/or intentional hurtful words in order to ruin a reputation.

The true definition of lashon hara is, in its simplest form, negative talk....period.  It matters not if the things being said are true or false.  Judaism treats lashon hara as worse than murder, since murder is once and done whereas lashon hara goes on murdering the persons reputation over and over.  It continues even long after death, each time the tale is retold. 

So are you thinking that I have a gossip problem?  Well to some extent, all of us do.  The thoughts I have been mulling over and over in my mind are the amount of negative talk I let out of my mouth.  Going back to my earlier paraphrase of the Psalms scripture, it begins with negativity in my thoughts; you know the ideas, plans, pictures, opinions and such in my mind.  Good grief!  How did those things get in there to begin with???

If I could record every single word I say in a day's time and place everything under one of two categories, which one would fill up the quickest; positive or negative?  I have this sneaking suspicion that the positive side would have two or three sentences while the negative side would contain pages.  Add to that the tons of thoughts that go through my head which NEVER come out of my mouth.... oh dear!

The rules on lashon hara require an entire book, but I will give you the top eight:
  1. Lashon hara literally means “bad talk.” This means that it is forbidden to speak negatively about someone else, even if it is true.  (Oh no! think about all those prayer requests we "share!")
  2. It is also forbidden to repeat anything about another, even if it is not a negative thing. This is called rechilut.
  3. It is also forbidden to listen to lashon hara. One should either reprimand the speaker, or, if that is not possible, one should extricate oneself from that situation.
  4. Even if one has already heard the lashon hara, it is forbidden to believe it. On the contrary, one should always judge one’s fellow favorably.
  5. If one has already heard the lashon hara, he is forbidden to believe itNevertheless, one may suspect that the lashon hara is true, and take the necessary precautions to protect oneself.
  6. It is forbidden to even make a motion that is derogatory towards someone.
  7. One may not even retell a negative event without using names, if the listeners might be able to figure out who is being spoken of.
  8. In certain circumstances, such as to protect someone from harm, it is permissible or even obligatory to share negative information. As there are many details to this law, one should consult a competent rabbi to learn what may be shared in any particular situation.

So much is being reiterated through the media these days about the effects of words on others.  Most, if not all of us, can relate to how badly words can damage.  We know full well how much the old saying has been debunked: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."  Many of us have known the impact of a harsh or demeaning word spoken at the right time.  Those words have impacted our lives like an arrow through the heart.

Each time my teacher brings up this subject, my mind begins to run wild thinking of all the many ways I commit this atrocity.  Outward expressions of our innermost thoughts.  We may laugh it off as a joke or teasing, but there is nothing edifying about a joke or teasing.  Let me give you examples that I believe according to the above 8 rules are considered lashon hara:

1. sarcasm
2. mimicking
3. cutting our eyes angrily at another
4. ignoring
5. laughing when someone else makes fun of or speaks in a sarcastic manner
6. saying things about ourselves such as, "I am so stupid." or "I can't do anything right." or putting ourselves down in any way.
7. speaking irritatingly or visibly showing signs of irritation at another person
8. kidding around
9. rolling our eyes when someone else appears, is talking or being talked about
10. practical jokes
11. retelling a story about something bad that happened to us or someone we know
12. and last but not least..... (in keeping with number 6 in the previous list - so please don't throw things at me), giving someone the finger....

Well, I guess you can see why I said God has been dealing with me on this issue.

Leprosy cannot be declared in this day and age, because there is no temple or priesthood.  Regardless, could this be the source of many afflictions that have arisen without a clear defining cause?   Be careful in dismissing this issue too quickly.  Can you say that you never commit any of these 12 things?

Every day it seems, I hear of another person experiencing physical illness that cannot be diagnosed, myself included.  I have been suffering for years without a proper diagnosis.  People are becoming sicker and sicker and we have looked to our environment, our diets, insects, bacteria and such without stopping to observe our thoughts which make their way out of our mouths. 

Observe for a couple of days.  Listen closely to television commercials, the conversations around you, the programming on television, radio broadcasts, news stories, etc.  Try remaining speechless for an entire 24 hour period and be extremely sensitive to the noise around you by listening.

If God SPOKE the world into existence, how powerful are our words?  But He is God and I am not!  True, but we are made in the image of God. do we change them?  That my friends is a different post.  For now, become aware of how much negativity fills your life.

Fixing the problem will be my next post, so until then.....SHALOM! 

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