Sorry that I have been so long in the continuation of this topic, but before I continue I want to remind you of one very important tidbit. If we say we are followers of Jesus, shouldn't we know what He taught in it's fullness? In order to know what He taught, we should start by going back to the 1st century and look at what the Rabbis of that day were teaching and how Jesus responded. Just a little something to keep in mind.
Now, have
you taken the time to think about the things I said in Part 1? Timing is so important to most of our lives, is it not? What about giving birth? When a child either arrives long before the proper time or wants to wait way too long, complications arise. When we arrive at a doctor's appointment and we have confused the days, complications can arise.
What about timing and preparation on our part? Have you ever attended an event dressed improperly? Perhaps it was a black tie affair, but you didn't read that part on the invitation only to arrive in shorts and a t-shirt. Or have you ever attended an event where it seemed everyone else knew the proper protocol, but you were as lost as an Easter egg?
In life, major events require practice, practice, practice. Most weddings have rehearsals, as do plays or music performances. We would never think of sitting down with an orchestra, taking our high school band instrument and proceed to join in on a piece we had never laid eyes on while the others had practiced for weeks or months. There we are with our clarinet and a broken reed. A beautiful masterpiece is being performed while our squeaking and improperly timed notes are heard above it all. I can just see the look on the conductors face....not good.
You all know what I am talking about. You have probably seen those people, on videos or in person, who think they can dance like Michael Jackson or Rudolf Nureyev, yet to all those watching they look like a flailing fish out of water.....oh my! "I'll just wing it. How hard can those dances be?" Right.....
I have a feeling that as Christians, this will be us during the Messianic era. If those festivals will be held during that time, how will we know what to do? "Well, the Holy Spirit will give us that information!" Really? Can you give me a chapter and verse on that????
What about those festivals? "We, as Christians, don't have to observe them!" While it is true that we aren't required to observe them here on earth, do you really want to look like a fish flopping around on the floor during a highly choreographed dance? Every year as the festivals come around, the Jews are practicing and rehearsing for the GREAT FESTIVALS that will take place in the Messianic kingdom. Wouldn't it be great if we knew what to do at that time also? Just asking.
More than rehearsals, these festivals along with the Sabbath are special in another way. They are called moedim in Hebrew. Moed is an appointment with God! Did you know that God has a day planner? Read the book of Exodus and will find all the important appointment dates. Did you have a clue that God, before the foundations of the world, had set up appointments just to meet with you? (See how special you are!)
"Well, we can celebrate these at any time we choose, can't we?" Sure, but just like that doctor's appointment, it would be nice to meet with him/her on the correctly scheduled time. More importantly than that is something so amazing!!!! As we stick to God's calendar we find out how special these days truly are, because we are unified with millions of others at the same time!
Think about this; you have sent out invitations to your children and grandchildren and other family about celebrating Christmas at your house on December 25th. A few show up, but the majority aren't there. Kind of lets the air out of your balloon, doesn't it. Then the rest of your family straggles in days or weeks later for a quick meal and shove a gift under your nose, ask where their gift is and out the door they go. As a mom I can tell you that I absolutely LOVE to see my children and grandchildren any time. I will never turn them away, but how special it is when the entire family is together at the same time in one place! Unity! It causes one to wonder just how much those children care about their parents, doesn't it?
God says, "I have set appointments for you to meet with me. Not just you, but all of my children both Jew and Gentile. You have your invitation and it is a standing one for that same occasion at the same time every year," and only a few show up. Among His adopted children, almost none show up. Do you suppose God thinks, "I gave my Son's life in order for them to become my children, my heirs with my children by birth and this is how grateful you are?"
One more perspective and I will let this subject rest. If you are a Christian you know that every time you pray God hears and answers you, but what is it like to pray at Church with a body of believers all beseeching God and praising Him at the same time?
In my home town we have a July 4th celebration every year. The only problem is that, for convenience sake, the city now celebrates it on the closest day to the weekend. That is like saying that we are moving Christmas Day to the last Saturday in December. Yes we celebrate Independence Day, but not necessarily on the same day as the rest of the nation.
There is just something about unity that makes all the difference in the world. As citizens of the USA, we know what day is Christmas Day, Independence Day, New Year's Day and Valentines Day. We may celebrate them on different days from time to time, but when we celebrate them all on their appointed day they are even more special.
Now imagine how much more God could and would do if ALL His children were reading the same scripture on the same day, every day, and were celebrating His Sabbath and appointments on the same day. Just as the Israelites marched around the walls of Jericho and shouted in unison, what would happen if we did the same? What walls might fall if we realized how important timing really is?
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