Monday, November 3, 2014

Do you believe in ghosts?

Last Friday was Halloween.  It can be a fun day and evening or it can be the most frightening night of your life.  As a teen I went to the local haunted house, paid my money and proceeded to have the frosting scared out of me, but as I began having children of my own I wanted them to experience good things on that day.  I have gone through years of loving Halloween, (as a child getting all the candy), and also years I hated that day and wanted nothing to do with it.  Now as a middle-aged woman I really, really love Halloween and I would love to share with you as to why.

About three weeks ago, our local television morning newscast spent one morning on each of the four states in our region noting stories about the most haunted places within those states.  As one state in particular was mentioned I waited for the name of a certain cemetery, but it was never mentioned. I know this cemetery well, because my great-grandparents and other family members of that generation are buried there.  I have heard the stories all my life and the cemetery has quite the reputation.  I thought well, I guess I will have to bring it to their attention so I sent in a comment on their web page and they emailed me back.  Before I tell you more about why I love Halloween,  please go to the link and watch the short news video, then see me back here!

Now, what do you think?  Do ghosts really exist?  Are there extra-terrestrial beings living among us?  Perhaps you are a naysayer.  Come on, you have to admit there are a lot of phenomena around us we cannot explain, right?  One part of the interview which didn't make it into the video is the fact that I have a very good friend who lives approximately three miles from that cemetery, (straight behind it), and she has one of those "things" occupying her house.  The house isn't old, in fact she and her husband built the house from the ground up.  She and her family are some of the most Godly people I know and they aren't pranksters.  She told us the story and we all asked, "Aren't you afraid of it?"  She replied that she had never been afraid of it and in fact had a picture of it.  When she brought the picture, sure enough there it was floating over her sons shoulder, in the dining room with the lights on.  An orb.  A small ball of energy and light.

As I prepared for my interview I suddenly had this awesome peace about a subject which had left me in a quandary my entire life.  A ball of light, in fact hundreds of balls of light.  Hmmmmmm.  Most all of us would agree there are many things for which we have no explanation.  This can only mean one thing, there are other dimensions which we cannot enter, but those things which dwell there are able to cross into ours.

Every Halloween thousands or millions of stories are told about hauntings, ghosts and apparitions.  One day per year, almost all Americans admit there is something beyond this life and what we can see, taste, touch, smell and hear.  They admit there is something more than this life, but what?  Aha!  That is the question and one I will expound upon further on in a day or two!  Shalom!

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