Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Part 2: When the Holy Spirit Came He Did Away With Education...or did He?

Have you thought about those questions?  If your answers are like the ones I received they sounded something like this:

1. The 3000 who were saved at Pentecost were made up of many different people, but we don't really know. 
2. The righteous will be taken and the unrighteous will be left.
3.  Paul is speaking to the Galatian Jews.
4.  Here is where it gets a little tricky....some of you said yes, while others said no.

Well, not too bad for starters.  My original post, after all, was about education.  God wants us to study to show ourselves approved unto Him.  He does not want us ignorant, especially where His Word is concerned.  Nothing makes me angrier than to hear someone say, "I never study for a class I am teaching (or a sermon I am preaching), I just wait till I get there and let the Holy Spirit give me the words."

My next question for that person is, "What does the Holy Spirit have to work with?  You've given Him a box of marbles and you've even lost all but one of them."  Oh well, so much for my sermon on that little off-shoot.  

Now, back to the matter at hand.  I have always believed that the best teacher NEVER gives you the answer you seek, but rather teaches you how to search for and arrive at the answer.   My sons will be the first to tell you that it always irritated them when they came to me for a quick answer and I would give them, "Look it up!"  

In order to find the answer to the four questions, let's take a look at each of the scriptures above.  
The story of Pentecost is found in Acts 2:1-12.  In true literary style, we must ask a few questions.  Do you remember what those questions are?  Does the old, "who, what, when, where, why and how" ring a bell?  You got it!!!  Those are the questions we start with.  Who are the people involved in the Acts 2:1-12 story line?  Well, my Bible says in verse 5, "There were Jews living in Jerusalem devout men from every nation under heaven."  Verses 9-11 goes on to list the nations they represented.

What was going on and when did this event occur?  Verse 1 tells us it was Pentecost.  This special day occurs; 50 days after Passover.  If you want to read all about how they were to observe Pentecost, go back to Deuteronomy 16:9-12, but the original Pentecost was much earlier.  To read about it go back to Exodus 19-20.

Where did this event happen? Verse 5 mentions that there were devout men in Jerusalem. In keeping with the Pentecost celebration, (and if you study the requirements for it), you find that Pentecost or Shavuot as the Jews refer to it, is one of three festivals requiring all males to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.   (Deuteronomy 16:16 Pentecost or Shavuot is also the culmination of the Feast of Weeks.)

Okay, why and how?  Ooh, this one is going to get deep.  Are you ready?  (I am leading you through this one to give you an example, okay?)  For every antithetical action, there must be a corrective action. The very first Pentecost took place 50 days after the first Passover.  This is in Exodus 19-32, but there is one very important verse of scripture.  Exodus 32:28, but I would ask that you read the entire 32nd chapter.  It is very important and verse 28 is only a part of the why and how.  Our English translations can only convey a portion of the true Pentecost story.  Oh, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have only known in a very small part and we have missed so much of the story!!!!!!!!!!

Now, on to question 2: Matthew 24:37-44  Let's look again at our six questions.

Who does Jesus use as a reference in the taking away comparison?  Genesis 6:1 - 9:17
What type of person then will be left behind, the righteous or the unrighteous?
When will this occur?  Where will the ones go who are taken away?
If it were not going to be carried out in the same manner as that particular time in history, why did he not compare it to the taking away of Elijah instead?
How are we to prepare for this taking away?

Question 3 and 4:  Paul addressing the Galatians; Who were these believers, Jews or Gentiles and was he telling them that the Law was no longer valid?

Look very closely at the scripture in question, Galatians 3:1.  It is absolutely imperative to back up a few verses in order to see the issue clearly in this passage, because this question goes hand in hand with question 4.  Now back up to Galatians 2:1.

Who is Paul directing his message to?
Where was Paul going with this issue?  Is he saying the Law was completely done away with?
If so, when was the Law done away with?
If the Law has been done away with, how can Jesus say in Matthew 5:17-19

 17“Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18“For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19“Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." 

If the Law hasn't been done away with, then what is the main subject matter of the discourse?
Why is it necessary for Paul to address this issue?

Can you see that some of the scriptures you thought you knew well........maybe you didn't know quite as well as you thought?  Does asking some hard questions about those scriptures make you stop and think a little more?  Perhaps we need to think a little more on the last subject above.  The Law really isn't what you have always thought.  It isn't and never was a means of salvation.  The Law is and always was a means of connecting to the Father.  Just in the same manner a husband and wife connect and communicate to keep their marriage vibrant, alive and intimate.

Now, ask yourself these questions:
a. Did Jesus observe the Law?
b. Did Jesus tell others to observe the Law?
c. Did Jesus ever tell anyone NOT to observe the Law?
d. Did His disciples continue to observe the Law after His death and resurrection? (if not, why were they observing Pentecost see question 1)
e. Did Paul observe the Law throughout the New Testament?

If Jesus did away with the Law, then are we free to commit adultery and murder, to lie, steal, and covet and no longer need to observe the Sabbath?  Oh, and we can now take the Lord God's name in vain?  Imagine a marriage where a spouse did those things and had no desire to spend time with their partner on the designated date night.  Well?  If the Law is no longer know if the speed limit is no longer valid, then I can go as fast as I want and nothing can happen to me, right?


Do you think you have enough educational help for now, to find the answers to all four questions? 
Can you begin taking these steps to look at other scripture in a different light?  Reading the Bible is about more than picking out a verse and making an entire theology out of it.  We must educate ourselves about the Scriptures and what God is and isn't saying.  For far too long men have taken a verse here and a verse there and have preached sermons and taught lessons or based entire theologies on those verses alone.  Take the churches that handle snakes or even the Westboro Baptist Church for example.  Both of those beliefs are as off base as the entire Muslim religion.

If the scripture you are interpreting appears to be in contradiction to other scripture you are missing something in your interpretation, for scripture NEVER contradicts itself.  God is not a God of contradiction or confusion!    The problem is us!  We read a verse and build a belief on it.  When we begin to educate ourselves on the truth of the Word, we find that the Word flows like honey from Genesis to Revelation and is smooth as silk!

Let me say this again.....  Church we can not take the liberty of picking one verse here and there!!!!  We would never dream of taking a verse from a Mozart opera, a line from Edgar Allen Poe, a quote from Martin Luther King and a sermon or two from Billy Graham and building a congregation of believers from that.  That example unfortunately is how we view scripture.  We take a verse from a song (Psalms),  a verse from a poem (Song of Songs), a verse from one of the Gospels (John) and a few verses from Paul's writings and put them together to build an entire theology.  The reason our way doesn't flow like honey is due to the fact we don't look at the verses we choose in context and from the perspective of the people who wrote them.

It is of the utmost importance that we look at EVERY single word of scripture from the proper perspective and this requires us to educate ourselves on what that perspective is.  I will let you in on a little is not a modern day American perspective!!!  God wants us to know the truth and when you know the truth....IT WILL SET YOU FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Keep on studying so that you will not be ashamed when you stand before your God on judgment day!  I know you want to hear Him say, "Well done good and faithful servant!!!"  

Saturday, October 5, 2013

When the Holy Spirit came He did away with the need for education!

Oops!  Did I really say that?  Perhaps it is all the drugs I have been taking lately or just the virus inside me.  You see, I have been home for several days with Type A Flu!  They have just started offering the flu shots at work and already the bug is starting.  I haven’t had the flu in 30 years!  I am zapped!  This is the first day in four days in which I have felt like a human being.  I am taking Tamiflu (a lifesaver) and took Tylenol for the first couple of days. 

I haven’t been able to read, watch TV or look at a computer screen without my eyes crossing.  In fact, my husband must really love me (after all he has been with me for 36 years), today is the first day I have showered in four days.  I looked and smelled pretty bad, I’m guessing on that one since I have no ability to smell at this point in time.  Of course, my first day with the flu followed him having two days of the intestinal bug in which he was, you know, not the most pleasant of roommates.  I pray he does not get this mess!  I would not wish this on the worst of my enemies.  PEOPLE: GET THE FLU SHOT AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, on to the subject matter stated in my headline.   I am a person who, all my life has been one who searches for truth.  I don’t care what the standard or norm has always been.  If there is even a hint of non-truth in it, I want to know.  I want to go all the way back to the origin and start there and come forward to find out where the truth got off course.  It is beyond me how anyone can accept something other than the truth. 

The United States of America prides itself in being a nation based on educational values.  In accordance with figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and yes I spelled that first word right.  That is the way they spell it on their web site  in 1999 the USA was 1st among the industrialized nations in education, but in 2013 we are at best 12th

We push our children to better educate themselves and go farther.  We are constantly raising the bar in education and in the workplace, requiring higher education to qualify.  Now, let’s think about this; the people who make up the church, what occupations do they have outside of the church?  Well, let me think about the people I know.  I’ll list them:

Physicians                                     Lawyers                                       School teachers
College Professors                         College Administrators                   Factory workers
Building Contractors                       Law Enforcement                         Business Administrators
Day Care Workers                         Accountants                                  Bankers
Jewelers                                        Speech Pathologist                         Secretaries
Librarians                                      Coaches                                        Underwater Welder
Painting Contractor                        EMT                                                   

It seems the Church is made up of all occupations of life.  It also seems as if the Church is made up of a wide range of educational levels.  It is one of the few organizations on earth where you will find so much educational variance among its members.  Now, this is not to say that factory workers do not have a college education or that some of the highly skilled occupations like underwater welding have a diverse education.

My question to you now is this, if we are filled with such a diverse and educated membership, why are we so ignorant on the scriptures themselves?  When in the work world we say, “Wait a minute, I’ll need to check the source of that material out.”  Yet in the Church we just sit back and say, “Okay.”  It is as if when we walk through the doors of a church building we lose our educational sense.  We just sit back and relax and think, “Tell me what to think, cause I have to think every other day of the week and I don’t want to have to think on Sunday.  Besides, you have the Holy Spirit and all those guys who translated the Bible from the Greek to English had the Holy Spirit, so I don’t need to think.  Just lay it out there for me!”

Why have we allowed ourselves to be taken captive by those who “told us” what the scripture meant, without taking into account whether those people were legitimate?  So as not to be misunderstood, I am not talking about your local pastor but, perhaps it is time we went back for a little history lesson to see where we were misled.

Just for starters, let me ask you a few questions to see how you answer them:
1.      Who were the 3000 people saved on Pentecost?
2.      In Matthew 24:37-44, there will two working in the field, who will be taken and who will be left?
3.      In Galatians 3:1, who is Paul addressing his famous “bewitched” speech to?  Jews or Gentiles?
4.      When Jesus died and rose again, did he do away with the Law?

Have you thought about these?  I want so much to get into these today, but I want discussion….from you!  Not to put you on the spot, I just want to see how educated my readers and the general public are.  So?  What are your answers to the four questions?  I’ll pick this post up in a few days!  Shalom!