I said that when I retired I was going to write more, but that hasn't happened yet! I have tried to write something several times and I just seem to have writer's block. I still intend to finish my book series and I have written a series of children's books that I am having illustrated, but that takes time. I have even started a devotional series, but will not publish those until I have the series completed since it is a daily series.
I thought perhaps a new start to this blog would be appropriate at this time. I know the subject matter was just really too much for some, so I will start simpler and build on that.
I don't usually choose a "word" or resolution for the new year, but this year I have chosen kindness as my word for 2023. I see so much hatefulness that I want to be intentional with kindness this year. I want to smile and be kind to every single person I come into contact with. Kindness costs nothing, but the reward is great.
Kindness or loving kindness is translated from the Hebrew word chesed. It refers to God's attribute of his grace, loving-kindness, and benevolence. It denotes a love without end. A love that does not depend on circumstances or mood. A love regardless of the actions of the recipient. Love and kindness cannot be separated. It is one and the same. Love is the basis carried out in the action of kindness.
If God can love me that way, then why can't I love others in the same way? He loves me regardless of my past. He loves me even when I am not kind or loving in thought, word, or deed. He, in His loving kindness, gently speaks to me reminding me that as He loves me, so I am to love and treat others with kindness. I know that my unkind ways usually come from a place of weariness, impatience, worry, or fear. That is no different than the people I come into contact with. All of us face things daily that darken our spirit.
Kindness brings a light to the darkness. It cleans up the ugliness of the world and our world definitely needs more love and kindness, more chesed. When we focus on kindness toward others we have no regrets, no embarrassment, nothing to apologize for. There is no argument against loving kindness. There may certainly be those who do not understand our ability to be kind to people who are hateful or angry, but more hate or anger will not change things for the better. Only loving kindness can do that.
I pray that this week you can make the choice to be kind to everyone you come into contact with. There are far too many people in our lives who are just one unkind word or action away from falling apart.
For one week turn off anything that contains negativity and replace it with things that show loving kindness. We can turn our world around in 2023! Yes we can!